Kaisha Triol of Permafrost had been randomly gifting Mum with various little bits of artwork for the site, as well as lovely images for the Fashion Gallery portion of the site. Who would have guessed that it would turn into something more in-depth? Mum was, and is, pleased to present you with various humorous images of Kaisha's, inspired by tradeskills and EQ2.
- Komic #1 Where Have all the Crafters Gone?" - added Sep. 11, 2007
- Komic #2 Dev Booth - added Sep. 11, 2007
- Komic #3 Sparkles! - added Sep. 13, 2007
- Komic #4 The Good Old Days of Rares - added Sep. 17, 2007
- Komic #5 Achoo! - added Sep. 19, 2007
- Komic #6 Let's Make a Deal! - added Sep. 24, 2007 (also check out the new Komic that is included in Part 2 of Not Evil Enough in the Storybook section. For those who want the image without the story, it can be found here.
- Komic #7 Gone Fishing? - added Oct. 3, 2007
- Komic #8 Where Did I ... - added Oct. 8, 2007
- Komic #9 Dead Knights #1 - added Oct. 24, 2007
- Komic #10 Dead Knights #2 - added Oct. 25, 2007
- Komic #11 Dead Knights #3 - added Oct. 26, 2007
- Komic #12 Dead Knights #4 - added Oct. 29, 2007
- Komic #13 Dead Knights #5 - added Oct. 30, 2007
- Komic #14 Dead Knights #6 - added Oct. 31, 2007
- Komic #15 Dead Knights #7 - added November 1, 2007
- Komic # 16 The Blues - added November 17, 2007
- Komic # 17 Happy Thanksgiving! - added November 21, 2007
- Komic # 18 Domino Magazine - added November 26, 2007
- Komic # 19 I Saw Denmum... - added December 24, 2007
- Komic # 20 Happy New Year! - added December 31, 2007
- Komic # 21 Mirror Mirror ... - added January 23, 2008
- Komic # 22 Vampiric Toothache - added March 24, 2008
- Komic # 23 Shiny? - added November 6, 2008
- Komic # 24 The Void - added February 25, 2009
- Komic # 25 Gulp! - added May 25, 2010
Created: 2007-09-11 09:10:39
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2010-05-25 12:08:31
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