Ah, Frostfell! The winter holiday celebrated with eating, drinking, and ... prezzies!! Lot of prezzies to give and get! C'mon. Admit it. Doesn't all the "stuff" make a difference? {grins}
Except for the "Permanent New Recipes" section below, these items will only be able to be crafted during the Frostfell season (Dec. 12 when GU41 went live until sometime after New Year's Day), using equipment and resources found in the Frostfell Village instance. Once the instance has been removed, you will no longer be able to craft more of these items. (The items themselves will stick around, just your ability to make more is removed when the special crafting equipment goes away.)
Note that all items below that look like food or drink are house items that allow you and any houseguests to take a serving of the item to eat or drink, as appropriate. Other than the Mama's Eggnog, which provides you with an alcoholic drink, these items are no rent, no zone, so eat first, zone after! :D
Permanent New Recipes
These three recipes are here to stay and will be found in Craftsman Essentials Volume 10 (red), Carpenter Essentials Volume 20 (green), and Carpenter Essentials Volume 30 (white)
Red Holiday Candle level 10 Status: 25
Green Holiday Candle level 20 Status: 30
White Holiday Candle level 30 Status: 35
New With 2007
These items are brand-new this year, and will be "limited-time" recipes. Once the Frostfell Village is closed, you will be unable to craft more of them. All can be crafted by a level 2 artisan or higher.
Swaying Blue Paper Lantern
Swaying Purple Paper Lantern
Swaying Yellow Paper Lantern
Frostfell Carol Greeting Card
Frostfell Feast Greeting Card
Frostfell Wishes Greeting Card
Pitcher of Mulled Claret Status: 15
Hot Chocolate Mug Status: 15
Bowl of Spiced Eggnog Status: 15
Decorative Green and Black Striped Candy Cane
Decorative Purple and Black Striped Candy Cane
| Decorative Red and Black Striped Candy Cane
Decorative Red and White Striped Candy Cane
Frostfell Chip Cookies
Frostfell Shaped Cookies
Tiny Snowman Plushie
Tiny Snowwoman Plushie
Returning from 2006
These recipes were from Frostfell 2006, and are being made available once again this year. Note, however, that while the gift box recipes are the same from last year, the names and sizes of the items that are made from them are a bit different than what you saw last year. (Click on one of the boxes below to see the size comparison for that box.) As with the new stuff, these items can only be crafted while the Frostfell Village is available. Once the Frostfell events are over, you will be unable to craft them. All recipes require that you be at least a level 2 artisan to scribe/craft them.
a Fancy Blue Gift Box
Blue and Gold Gift Box
a Small Green Gift Box
a Fancy Red and Gold Gift Box
a Fancy Red Gift Box
a Red and Green Gift Box
Envious Frostfell Bow
Grand Frostfell Bow
Radiant Frostfell Bow
Frostfell Snowdrift
(includes snow particle effect) Status: 20
Regal Frostfell Sconce Status: 20
Regal Frostfell Candles Status: 20
Festive Frostfell Sconce Status: 20
Glorious Frostfell Sconce Status: 20
Merry Frostfell Sconce Status: 20
Festive Frostfell Candles Status: 20
Glorious Frostfell Candles Status: 20
Merry Frostfell Candles Status: 20
Green Frostfell Stocking Status: 20
Red Frostfell Stocking Status: 20
Red and Gold Frostfell Stocking Status: 20
Stuffed and Roasted Fowl Status: 15
Gigglegibber Cranberry Sauce Status: 15
Mama's Eggnog (alcoholic!) Status: 15
Spiced Eggnog Status: 15
Moist Fruitcake Status: 15
Frostfell Candies Status: 15
Frosted Apples Status: 15
Discontinued 2006 Items
Thehearths were discontinued, not because there was anything wrong with them, but because non-holiday versions of them are crafted by carpenters. (If you still have the recipes and ingredients from last year, they can still be crafted, however.)
The snowman and snowwoman, on the other hand can no longer be crafted. You can, however, still buy prefabricated versions of them from the McScroogle vendor in the Frostfell Village.
Natural Stone Hearth
Ornate Cobalt Hearth
Sandstone Hearth
Frostfell Snowman
Frostfell Snowwoman
This article is part of a collection of articles for the GU41 Preview
Post-poublication change tracking. Dec 10: added size comparisons for gift boxes.
Created: 2007-12-07 11:24:25
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2008-01-10 10:58:38
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