EQ Traders Corner

Gallery - Enchanted Fay Grotto

This is part of the Moonlight Enchantments monthly mini-event. For further details on this event, please visit this link

Welcome to the Enchanted Fay Grotto, located in the Nursery area of Greater Faydark, just in front of the acorn that houses the bank. This huge zone is aggro-free, allowing you to wander in peace. (You may want some sort of travel speed buff up!)

For those having problems finding the quest NPC, there is a stone path leading you to her little outcropping (which is towards the back of the zone, in the middle - follow the river, if all else fails :D). For those having problems finding the seeds, if you examine the quest details, you'll find it mentions nests, which are on cliffs along both sides of the zone.

A repeatable crafting quest was added to the zone in 2013, and you will find the quest NPC on your right as you hit the end of the stone path mentioned above.

p>Please note that capturing the right shade on these screenshots is difficult. The tints on darker plants and trees, for example, preview quite differently based on the lighting of the zone you are in. For example, preview the "mossy blue mushrooms" while standing in the Enchanted Zygomid Grotto (Nek) and you will see far more blue tones than you will see if you were to preview the same item while standing in the bright light of the Thundering Steppes. There are many more examples of this and while I redid a lot of shots based off previews taken in bright daylight zones, I want to pass the warning on. If you are needing particular exact or near-exact color matches, is a good idea to preview items using the same sort of lighting that they will be used in.

The Items

Most of these items cost 1 elemental token each. The exceptions are the glow skimmer, the crown and the sludgeling housepets, which all cost 2 tokens each. This page now includes the new house items that were added to this vendor in 2018.

Enchanted Fay Grotto (Greater Faydark Nursery)

Autumnstrider Unicorn*
Blazing Blooms
Blightleaf Frond
Blooming Jacaranda
Blueleaf Hanging Tendril
Broadleaf Plant
Creeping Dropleaf Vine
Darkened Helianthus
Esoterra Spotted Grass
Faeflower Blossom
Fawn Plushie
Faydark Guardian Plushie
Forest Emerald Seedling
Grassy Square
Gravel Sludgeling (heirloom housepet)
Grey Sand Sludgeling (heirloom housepet)
Greying Shrub
Grotto Ficus
Grotto Hanging Vine
Grotto Trailing Vine
Lavender Shrub
Leafstrider Unicorn*
Mossy Square
Pixie Plushie
Rough Plank Square
Rage-Tinted Malbloom Plushie
Sandy Square
Stag Plushie
Starflower Blossom
Sun Spotted Grass
Verdant Grass Sludgeling (heirloom housepet)
Wall Clinging Vine
Wasp Hive
Wavy Sand Square
Wild Hanging Vine
Wild Honeysuckle
Wild Trumpetflower Vine
Wild Vine
Withered Lands Orchid
Zavith'Loa Razor Leaf
Zavith'Loa Vine Cluster
Honey Bee Hive (LOOTED)*

Moonlight Glowskimmer


  • Unicorns are 20-charge no-trade ground mount items that drop into your mount tab. Each charge will last for 24 hours of in-game time, but can be canceled if you need it to end sooner.
  • "Honey Bee Hive" is a randomly harvested item from the beehives that are used during the "Blooming Good Tea" quest in the Enchanted Fay Grotto. You must be on the quest in order to have a chance to harvest the hive, and luck is the main factor in deciding how often you get the hive harvest.

The Collection

The purple glowie that spawns in this zone goes to the Flower Petals collection. It consists of 6 different flower petals. Completion of this quest gives you Wild Hanging Honeysuckle (house item).

Created: 2009-06-18 03:22:38          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2018-04-19 04:59:49          

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