The below carpenter furniture will be added with Game Update 66 on April 30, 2013.
Aquisition of these no-trade recipes is a bit different than we are used to. You will need not only quest unlocks to buy the recipes (and different unlocks for different recipes), and coin, but also a special new currency type (a mysterious blue coin) that you will obtain from both the Cobalt Scar crafting questline, and from the tradeskill apprentice dailies from your level 95 crafter(s).
All items are handcrafted, and use tier 10 common resources. Each offers 450 rent status reduction. See notes below the table for an explanation of the names in parentheses.
A Hero's Gravestone (Roof)
Ayssal Dais (Roof)
Amphibious Othmir Table (Hope)
Ark of the Combine (Roof)
Circle of Flames (Roof)
Fiery Combine Forge (Rations)
Draconic Othmir Banner (Hope)
New Combine Bellows (Rations)
New Combine Bookcase (Roof)
New Combine Freeport Banner (Siege)
New Combine Gorowyn Banner (Siege)
New Combine Halas Banner (Siege)
New Combine Kelethin Banner (Siege)
New Combine Neriak Banner (Siege)
New Combine Qeynos Banner (Siege)
New Combine Hall Table (Rations)
New Combine Nightstand (Siege)
New Combine Worktable (Siege)
Othmir Warding Totem (Hope)
Unknown Soldier's Grave (Roof)
New Combine Symbol Rug (Rations) duplicate graphic! matches the mastercrafted small combine circular rug |
- Roof = Completion of "A Roof Over Our Heads" required for purchase
- Hope = Completion of "Hope Reborn" OR "Proving Them Wrong" required for purchase
- Rations = Completion of "Iron Rations for an Iron Army" required for purchase
Note that the Grotto Wall Hanging was removed late in beta and replaced with the Draconic Othmir Banner. The New Combine Symbol Rug is using the same exact graphic as we already have for a mastercrafted rug from GU63. It has been /bug'ged, more than once, and we're still waiting for any sort of dev response.
Other Details
Charsin Andolar, standing in a side-room of the tent at 4387, -821, 383 in Cobalt Scar, will be happy to sell you either the final house item (which will cost gold as well as five of the mysterious blue coin), or the no-trade recipe (which will cost you gold as well as ten of the mysterious blue coin), provided you have met the crafting quest completion requirements listed above.
Various parts of the quest series will earn you a few of the heirloom mysterious blue coins, but nowhere near enough to buy all of the recipes in one swell foop - unless you are running several alts through the series and dropping the coins in the shared bank for your carpenter to use. The rest of the coins can be obtained over time from the tradeskill apprentice daily task for level 95 crafters.
Need More?
There is also some buyable furniture out there that requires adventuring quest unlocks. You can find details here
Created: 2013-04-23 08:14:34
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2013-04-30 11:26:37
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