The Cobalt Scar (CS) crafting quest series will be added with Game Update 66 on April 30, 2013. It is meant for level 90+ crafters who own the Destiny of Velious expansion.
There are two ways to go through this quest series writeup, based on your liking for lore and story.
Read everything and get to immerse yourself in a pretty detailed story. It is very clear that a lot of effort went into making the crafter feel like a very vital part of the New Combine's efforts out in the new area.
Skip all the indented stuff to ignore the quest dialog and the story that goes with it, and get to the meat of what you need to do without (much) extra chatter.
There are several separate "chunks" to this series, which I have broken down by area. First, you work in the Salt Breeze area (included on this page). Then you are sent to both Yeppa's Last Stand and Scarstone. (Take your pick as to which you do first, it doesn't matter, as long as you complete both.) Once you have finished the main Scarstone and the Yeppa's line, you will then get a few more quests from out on the cliffs outside of Scarstone, before you are given your final reward.
You are a level 90+ crafter, at the pinnacle of your career. Unlike earlier
questing, you are often the resident expert on things, and you are expected to use a lot more independent thought and intiative. You will find yourself bolstering morale, pulling miracles of crafting both minor and major out of your hat, getting the lazy demoted and the worthy promoted, actually creating recipes out of your own imagination and the supplies at hand, and in general, acting like a true crafting god/goddess to this beleaguered region. You will find yourself rising to any occasion, even if some of the underlying mechanics seem a bit unfamiliar at first.
Before you head out, you may want to snag the following resources. My counts may be wrong, but I'll be running through this again shortly to see if I missed anything. (The fuels are also available in CS if you forget them.)
- 20 rhenium ore
- 16 iridium cluster
- 27 amethyst
- 7 white peony tea leaf
- 26 matoppie roots
- 6 aerated mineral water
- 11 effulgent kindling
- 8 effulgent filament
- 34 effulgent coal
- 15(?) effulgent incense
- 29 effulgent candle
Your first step after snagging harvestables, of course, will be to get to Cobalt Scar (CS). Head to the Thurgadin docks in the Great Divide. (Aren't you glad they put a world bell on the docks to save you some travel time?) Once you are there, head over to the second gryphon - the one that takes you to the Withered Lands, and go for a ride. Your first time out, you may need to ride to WL first, then hop back on the gryphon to get to Cobalt Scar, but after that, you will be able to take a direct flight from Great Divide to Cobalt Scar. Once in CS, walk straight into the encampment in Salt Breeze, and look for Grant. (He should have a green tradeskill feather over his head. He is more than a little stressed and really needs some "tough love" along with some help, in order to keep him from going to pieces, leaving the troops without needed supplies.
Fuel for the Fire
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I can't do this, I don't know how
they expect me to do this!"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "What are you talking about, what
can't you do?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "My boss, she's been missing for
days, we don't know where she is, and none of the scouts have been able to find
her... or her body."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'm so sorry to hear that. Can I
help? I can go out there and look too."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I... We've been ordered to assume
she's been killed in action. They field promoted me, and now I'm in charge of
making sure this whole line is supplied. It's too much, I'm not trained for
this, and if I can't do it, this whole thing falls apart!"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Hang on, just calm down. You're
her right hand man, right?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Yeah, but..."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "No buts. You know what to do, and
I can help you think things out. Best way to get things done is to just get
started. What's on the menu? I assume food, weapons, armor, that sort of thing?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Yeah, that sort of thing... we
also need gearing for the siege weaponry being constructed at the main New Combine forward camp. Those should have been delivered already, but we've heard no word from the delivery team."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Yikes, anything else?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "There are some higher ranking officers
demanding higher end materials for their tents, and some of our transports are
looking worse for wear."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "We're out in the middle of a battle
and officers are concerned about the quality of their textiles?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "My boss said the same thing, but
she also said that orders are orders."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Fair enough. What�s the size
of your team? What do we have to work with?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "There's me, the Kreeg, and Amli
over there."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Wow, small team. You guys must be
good then. So, what would your boss prioritize? What needs to get done? Stay
calm and think it through."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I think she'd say that... the food
is most important. Without food, our train won't have fuel to get anywhere."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I like that answer. What do we have
for raw goods?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "What we've got is in those barrels
over there. Lotsa grain, some dried meatstuff, preserves. The usual I guess."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "And what's the best thing to make
with all that?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Boss was planning on putting together
iron rations for everyone."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "What's your opinion on that?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Iron rations are good, but we found
a pretty interesting root while looking for the boss. It gives you a lot of
energy - munching on it was way better than coffee in the morning. We call it
Cobalt Chiori. I think incorporating that would do a lot of good for our soldiers."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Excellent! That's the kind of thinking
that a supply master needs � improvisation in the field. I'll go see if
I can dig some of that root up, you guys get started putting these rations together."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Alright fellas, we're going to
get started on these rations here. No more dithering around!"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'll be back, Grant."
Wander around the area highlighted on your map, and you are looking for 10 Cobalt Chiori. They will look like roots with a blue glow coming from them.
They can sometimes hide amidst the bushes at the base of trees, so keep your
eyes peeled - or use the tradeskill prestige ability "Track Harvestables" to find them a bit more quickly.
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant/a says to you, "Hello _____, do you have the
Cobalt Chiori?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Here they are - you have any idea
on how to prepare them?"
When you return to Grant with the 10, you gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 35 gold.
Adding a Little Something
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Yeah, I've been giving it some
thought. I have notes if you want to take a look?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "This is good, Grant. I'll go ahead
and prep them for you. Keep working on those rations!"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Will do!"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'll be back shortly."
Scribe the recipe for Cobalt Chiori Paste. You need to make 6 combines, so
you will also need 6 aerated mineral water and 6 effulgent kindling. There is
a merchant, Helfa Lightleaf nearby who sells fuel and water, among other things.
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "You're back?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Grant, your paste is ready for inclusion.
How are you guys doing on the rations?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Whoa, that was quick. Um, we're
about halfway done?"
You gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 35 gold.
Iron Rations for an Iron Army
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You guys can work faster than this.
Grant, show them how it's done, you need to be setting an example for those
two. If you work faster, they'll work faster."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Right, right. I can, I will!"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Here, give me half of yours."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Okay, here's the recipe and my
raw goods."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Thanks, lets knock this out!"
You will receive a Satchel of Iron Ration Ingredients. In addition, you will
autoscribe the recipe for Grant's Iron Rations" put in recipe book. You
will need to make 5 combines on the stove, which means you will need another 5 effulgent kindling. Ah, but where are the ingredients, you ask? Grant is attempting to be more organized, so he gave you them in a neat package. Examine that bag of supplies that dropped into inventory, and pull out some ingredients!
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Are you finished already?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'm done, how are you guys doing?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Okay, just give me one more second...
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Excellent! See, you can do this.
You were the second-in-command for a reason."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I hope you're right. You know,
a couple of our guys picked up some weird blue coins while scouting the area.
They have this kind of eerie blue glow around them. Can't use 'em here, but
maybe you'll find some use for them?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "How strange. Sure, I'll take them
off your hands. They must be valuable to someone. "
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I agree, at the very least, it'd
make for some interesting ornamentation on a weapon. Anyway, next thing's next, wouldn't you say?"
You gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 34 gold. You also receive five "a mysterious blue coin".
Delivering the Delivery
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I think the gearing would probably come next?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Are you asking me? I thought you
were the Supply Master?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Um, well... Yeah, we're doing the
gearing next."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Okay, so should we try to find the
missing courier team? We could take some of this old worn weaponry to fight
our way to them. Then make our way up to the main camp. I think this set of
armor here would probably hold together long enough. Probably."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I see what you did there. Okay.
Yeah. We'll do the weapons and armor next. Gearing after that, and if we have
time, upgraded pavilion materials. The officers will have to make due if we
don't. We can't complete the long term goals if our immediate needs aren't met."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You're learning. Keep a clear head,
make your decisions quickly, decisively, and don't be afraid to say no. You
are the supply master, now."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Right, so let's make sure our soldiers
are well protected and well-armed! Amli, dig out the stuff that we can salvage
or repair. Start working on the best quality first and work your way back. Kreeg, take the scrap and start melting it down. We'll salvage that into new equipment"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I couldn't have said it better myself.
While you guys are working on that, I'm going to go see if I can't track down
that courier team. We can knock out two birds with one stone"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I thought you said..."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Exactly what you needed to hear."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Hahahah! Alright, I understand."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Where were they coming from?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "According to the last relay, they
were south of here."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Alright, I'll head off over there."
Head for the area marked on the map, at roughly 3820, -1017, 1826, and you
will find some bodies on the ground. Search them until you find a satchel of
siege components, then search some more to find a supplymaster's insignia.
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Hello _____! Any news?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Yes Grant, but first how are you
guys doing?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Good, we have everything organized
for the next few days, but I think we're in fantastic shape."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Excellent, I wish I had as good
news. The courier team looks to have been eviscerated. It was a pretty gruesome scene... I also found what I think were the remains of your boss. Was this insignia hers?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "... Yes, yes it was. That's...
at least we can put her to rest."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "We certainly can. She'll be avenged,
be sure of that. For now, maintain focus. These soldiers need you."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I... I will. Caera would come back
as a spectre and flay me if I didn't."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Good."
You gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 34 gold.
Sieging the Opportunity
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "So, want to help us out with the rest of the equipment?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I had a look at these mechanisms,
and I think I can improve the ratios on them by a good twenty percent. Want
me to work on that while you guys continue on the equipment?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Really? We had some of our best
engineers on those. If you're sure you can, have at it."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'm always sure."
He will give you a satchel of siege components and a recipe for an Enhanced
Ballista Mechanism. Scribe the recipe, then examine the satchel in your inventory to unpack the mechanisms. You will need to make 9 combines, so you will also need 9 rhenium ore and 9 effulgent coal.
You say, "Hail, Acting Supplymaster Grant"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "How are you doing on the improvements?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'm done here."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Wow, you weren't kidding. I would
have never thought of that solution."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Sure you would have. You gave me
the order, didn't you?"
You gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 34 gold. You also receive
five "a mysterious blue coin".
Ratcheting up the Danger (partial)
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "I... but..."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You are the supply master. You are
responsible for everything that happens in this camp, good or bad."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Yes, I see, but I don't think I
can take credit for this kind of genius."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You gave the order, you are responsible
for it."
Acting Supplymaster Grantsays to you, "Okay, I'm not going to argue, but
your name will be known for this. These need to get up to the main camp as soon
as possible, I assume you're headed in that direction."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I sure am."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Take these with you then, and deliver
them to the siegemaster. His name is Denstarin and he'll be waiting for them.
Anxiously, I bet. I can't thank you for all you've done here."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You're welcome. I'll head on up
to the main camp."
He will then hand you a satchel of upgraded siege components to bring up to
the main camp in Scarstone. (to be continued in the Scarstone writeup)
Locating the Lost (partial)
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Oh and one more thing, if you
wouldn't mind?"
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Of course Grant, what is it?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "There were a group of Othmir that
travelled with us. As soon as we arrived though, they ran off. Yeppa, their
leader, said something about Prexus leading them to their ancestral home. If
you find them, can you make sure they're okay? This place is dangerous."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "Yeah, you're definitely right about
that. Where did they head off?"
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "They were last seen dashing toward
the beach. I know this is a lot to ask, but if you find them, try to get them
to return to the camp. We could use their help."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "I'm on board, if I find Yeppa, he'll
get all the assistance he needs."
Acting Supplymaster Grant says to you, "Fantastic, thank you, _____. That
this is in your hands gives me some hope that we'll find them alive."
You say to Acting Supplymaster Grant, "You're more than welcome Grant,
be well."
(to be continued in the Yeppa's Last Stand writeup)
Choose whichever of the two quests you want to follow up on next, and dive right in, then go and do the other line as well. As mentioned above, you will need to do the quests in Yeppa's Last Stand and the ones in Scarstone, before you can talk to Plex and do the endline for your gloves, but which set you do first is up to you.
Created: 2013-04-26 11:26:34
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2013-04-30 02:48:52
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