This is part of the Cobalt Scar Crafting Series. You will want to complete the quests on that page before you begin this set of quests.
Ratcheting Up the Danger (continuation)
This segment of the quest series starts up on the cliffs, in the Scarstone
camp area. You will find Denstarin at 4216, -819, 444.
You say, "Hail, Siegemaster Denstarin"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Greetings. Who are you?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "I'm Miaous. I have a delivery for you.
I believe that this camp has been patiently waiting these?"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Oh! This is the gearing for our siege
equipment, finally!"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Yes, sorry for their delay. The delivery
team was waylaid by some of the denizens of this place, I'm afraid."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Oh no, that's terrible news. That means
that Gorey is dead... poor boy. He had a lot of promise, wanted to bring him
on as an apprentice."
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "It was certainly tragic. This place
gets more dangerous by the day."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Huh. These don't look like they follow
the original spec? Are you sure you have the right package?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Very sure. What you're seeing are some
improvements that I was able to make. You should find the power to energy ratio
of your equipment improved by about twenty percent. I hope you don't mind."
You gain tradeskill XP, AAXP and roughly 1 platinum, 36 gold.
Playing With Toys
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Oh, excellent news. If we
can get some extra range on these things, that'd be a godssend. You sure they're
still compatible? I don't know how you did this without access to the original
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "They absolutely should. The gearing
gave me all the information I needed. It's a pretty standard gnomish design.
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Indeed it is. You must be exceptionally
talented. Want to get these installed and see what these babies can do?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Hahahahah, I was hoping you'd say that!"
He will give you a satchel of upgraded siege components (no unpacking needed
this time), and you will want to head over to one of the two areas highlighted
on your map.
The rough locations are 4333, -824, 258 (5 ballistae) and 4488, -822, 360 for
another 4 ballistae. Since you need 9 total, this works out well. If any of
them turn out to be unclickable due to timer issues, click what you can in those two areas and wait a few moments for them to reset for more clicking goodness. Once you have the 9 updates, "test" one by clicking on it again.
Hrm. As you prepare the ballista for firing, you notice that the torsion springs are badly corroded. If you fire it, the ballista is likely to catastrophically fail. The Siegemaster needs to know about this right away!
You say, "Hail, Siegemaster Denstarin"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Hello, ____! How are the ballistae treating you?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "I'm afraid that we've got a problem."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 35 gold.
Corrupted Spring Investigation
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Really? What's that?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "They are failing. It looks like the
torsion springs are badly corroded. Looks like they're 100 years old. Who did
you get these from?"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "That can't be right. All the parts are new, they looked fine two days ago. "
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Really? I hate saying this, but this might be sabotage. I can't think that the weather would be responsible for this kind of corrosion. Anyone using these could find the ballistae misfiring catastrophically."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "If the corrosion is as bad as you say, we could have lost a good number of men. Any ideas? We can replace them with spares pretty easily, but if it happens again...."
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Say no more. I can run some tests, maybe find exactly what compound did this."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Sounds like a plan. I'll start getting
these torsion springs replaced."
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "And I'll get started on the investigation. I'll be back soon Denstarin."
Head back to any of the ballistae to examine it for a torsion spring. Then
examine the spring that ends up in our inventory to receive "Notes: Corroded
Torsion Spring Investigation", which you will need to scribe.
In addition to the corrorded torsion spring that is already in your inventory,
you will need amethyst and an effulgent candle. Find the chem table that is in one of the nearby tents and make the combine. You will find the wholesaler
is also nearby if you need the candle (4366, -821, 392).
You say, "Hail, Siegemaster Denstarin"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "What have you found? Anything?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "I've narrowed it down. These springs were definitely sabotaged, and definitely by magic. I think it's likely that a defiler is responsible for this.
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "That scum! How do we figure
out who it is?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "I have an idea on that. There's a compound
I can make... It has reactive properties that I can tune to corruption. We combine that with a dye..."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "And anyone who casts something corruptive
on the torsion springs will end up covered in it. Brilliant!"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Exactly. I'll get to work. "
(Those dirty defilers! How dare they?! Oh, um, you're a defiler, you say? Well, I didn't mean you, ok? I meant the sabotage-minded kind, all right? Please don't hurt me!)
The recipe "Alchemical Trap" will autoscribe into your recipe book.
You will need to make 9 traps, so you will also need 9 amethyst, 18 matoppie
root, 9 rhenium ore, and 9 effulgent candle. Return to the 9 ballistae that you upgraded in Playing With Toys above, and apply the alchemical compound to them.
You say, "Hail, Siegemaster Denstarin"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "How's the progress? Was your idea successful?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "It was, I think we're in a good place now."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
Questions for the Quartermaster
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "That is a welcome relief. What now?"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Everything is in place, so now we just need to wait. As soon as any corruptive magic touches those ballistae, the caster will be covered head to toe in a blue dye."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Hahahaha! I want to see that traitor's
face when that happens."
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "I do too. Can you take it from here?"
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "I certainly can. I'll see if I can
get patrols to be on the lookout for a blue defiler. You have my thanks; our
position here is much stronger since you've come! "
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "You're absolutely welcome. "
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "You know, you might want to talk to
the Quartermaster. I know that some of the soldiers around here have been complaining about the way he doles out equipment. Some believe he's being way too frugal, and some of the equipment he hands out is just... well, not up to spec, you might say."
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Oh really? I think I might just go do that."
Siegemaster Denstarin says to you, "Farewell ____!"
You say to Siegemaster Denstarin, "Goodbye Denstarin, it's been a pleasure!"
Head to 4469, -821, 404, and speak with the Quartermaster, who looks to be
giving himself "tennis elbow" from raising and lowering his mug so much. That right there should give you an idea how well this is going to go ...
You say, "Hail, Quartermaster Fahris"
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "You? I've heard about you."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "I see my reputation precedes me."
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you've done here, but we have a system. Someone comes in and starts messing with that system, people get hurt."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "Um. I haven't messed with any systems, only delivered improvements and equipment."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
Searching for Clarity
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "No, I know what you are. You're
a meddler. You cause chaos. Things work in this camp, they don't need fixing,
and we don't need help. Farewell."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "That's it? Farewell then."
Hrm. That doesn't seem promising. It might be good to talk to a nearby soldier to find out if "things work in this camp" or not. Head to 4353, -821, 301 and speak with a soldier names Kssshi.
You say, "Hail, Kssshi"
Kssshi says to you, "I don't know what they expect from us out there. We're
fighting dragons and drakes and monstrous things. They give me a sword some
armor and expect me to take one of those on? That's not a fair fight, I can
tell you that."
You say to Kssshi, "Is there something wrong with your equipment?"
Kssshi says to you, "The sword is sharp and the armor is strong. It'd be fine if we were just fighting another army. But we're fighting wyrms. We need spears and bows and armor that are not going to bake me alive when those drakes open their big ugly mouths. We're mundane fighting magic, and it's futile."
You say to Kssshi, "I see what you mean � those wyrms aren't going to fight fair, we probably shouldn't either. I assume this is the Quartermaster's
Kssshi says to you, "Yeah, that guy does as little as he can, and spends
the rest of his time enjoying the finer things that this camp has to offer.
If he spent half the time he spent drinking in getting us the equipment we need,
rather than the equipment he thinks we need, I wouldn't feel so nervous."
You say to Kssshi, "Well, let's see if we can test that theory. Can I borrow
your sword and shield?"
Kssshi says to you, "You can, but what for?"
You say to Kssshi, "I want to see if we have enough supplies here to upgrade
your equipment to something more appropriate. If I can't, then the Quartermaster
isn't responsible, if I can, then he's definitely not doing his job."
Kssshi says to you, "Fair enough, here, do what you can, and good luck."
He will hand over his sword and shield, then it is time for you to rummage
in the camp and see what you have to work with in regards to supplies.
Head to 4350, -821, 419 and examine the crates there. You will receive 8 firestone and 8 refined adamant. Examine the materials twice - once for a shield upgrade recipe, once for a sword upgrade recipe. Scribe both recipes.
Head to the forge at 4335, -821, 455. Yep, that's your forge! (Carpenters can buy the recipe to make you an appearance-only version of the forge if you get attatched to it.)
Craft the recipes "Upgraded Shield" and "Upgraded Sword". In addition to the provided materials, you will need 2 effulgent coal.
You say, "Hail, Kssshi"
Kssshi says to you, "You're back. I hope there's good news, I know what we're doing is important, but I will not be put on the frontlines as fodder."
You say to Kssshi, "Yes, I was actually very successful."
Kssshi says to you, "Truly? Let me see, this may be the best news I've had all week."
You say to Kssshi, "Of course, go ahead and try it out."
Step back and give the ikky room to swing them around a bit before he will
respond to you further. Oh, are you an iksar? I'm sorry, I didn't mean "ikky"
in any derogatory fashion. Really, truly! Here, have a colored ribbon to tie on your tail as an apology.
Kssshi says to you, "This is amazing, the shield is lighter,
I can feel the strength in it. The sword seems more... magical? There's power
in this. What about spears and bows? Can you do the same?"
You say to Kssshi, "Yes, I think we can. The Quartermaster has definitely
been shirking his duties. I'm going to go talk to him now, and see if I can't
convince him of the error of his ways."
Kssshi says to you, "I don't think you'll succeed, a bunch of us have already
tried. "
You say to Kssshi, "Well, we'll see. If I can't then I'll go over his head. I've got some pull."
Kssshi says to you, "Whatever you do, you've given me, and I'm sure a number of my comrades, some hope that we'll live to see the end of this battle. I can't
thank you enough."
You say to Kssshi, "It's the least I can do, we need to win this fight. At all costs. Farewell soldier."
So, back you go to the Quartermaster again. Do you really think he'll be willing to stop drinking, drop the attitude and pay attention to you? Well, at least you're doing due diligence and making the attempt, right?
You say, "Hail, Quartermaster Fahris"
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "You again."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "It is indeed."
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "Be quick and then get out of this tent. It's for Combine Officers only."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "Well, I've been looking around, there's
a sincere lack of archery equipment... adamant and firestone just lying around
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "What did I say last time? We have a
system. I don't tolerate meddling."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "I really think that if we don't re-examine
the system, that people are going to die."
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "Psh. Look around, we're fine. I have my beer, a place to drink it, and everyone is equipped with the weapons and armor they need. I have an entire crew maintaining it. We're in as good a shape as we could be. If you start tearing at threads, trying to be a hero, that's when things fall apart and people die."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "But..."
Quartermaster Fahris says to you, "No. I've heard enough, you can find your way out."
You say to Quartermaster Fahris, "Fine then, I'll find another way to get this done."
The big main tent might be a good place to find someone who outranks the quartermaster. Head in and talk to Quentin at 4,405, -821, 413
You say, "Hail, Quentin"
Quentin says to you, "Greetings, what can I do for you?"
You say to Quentin, "I've been speaking with the soldiers around the camp,
and it seems that we can improve our chances here by investing a little more
in their equipment."
Quentin says to you, "You could talk to Quartermaster Fahris about that � he's assured me that we've done all we can in that direction."
You say to Quentin, "I have, and I can't describe that interaction as anything
better than talking to a brick wall."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 35 gold.
Yo, Quentin, your Quartermaster is a lazy, drunken lush! Do I need to spell it out for you? Oops, um, was I using my outside voice again?
Proving Them Wrong
Quentin says to you, "Well that's because our resources here are strained, I'm sure he's doing the best he can."
You say to Quentin, "Drinking? Yes, I suppose he is. But when it comes to actually doing something, he's failing miserably. We have the resources if
we're creative. "
Quentin says to you, "Okay, then if you were him, what would you be doing?"
You say to Quentin, "I'd be handing out ranged weaponry to every soldier, no matter what their specialty. I'd be ensuring they had some enchantments against
magic, every single one of them. This isn't going to be a hand to hand fight
you know."
Quentin says to you, "That's true... I'm surprised that Fahris hadn't considered
that. He's been with us a long time, I assumed he knew what we were up against,
he was in all of our meetings. What did he say to you?"
You say to Quentin, "He simply said something about pulling threads and the danger of heroes."
Quentin says to you, "Hrm. Well, I give you leave to do what you need. Put together what you can, and report back to me once you're done. We'll consider
what to do from there. I still don't believe that Fahris is neglecting his duties."
You say to Quentin, "As you will."
Clearly, you were too diplomatic and not blunt enough, so it is time to prove
by example. Rummage around the camp and make a list of the materials that you
find. You are looking for clickable crates and barrels, each of which should
give you "Material List".
- 4350, -821, 418 - crates
- 4373, -821, 388 - crates
- 4438, -821, 367 - barrels
- 4430, -821, 431 - crates
- 4419, -821, 447 - yep, more crates!
- 4347, -821, 467 - and maybe more crates!
You need to write up 5 recipes that use the supplies we have on-hand. Examine
the materials list to get "Recipe: New Combine Equipment Revamp". Scribe it, then make 5 combines. In addition to the Material List that you already have in inventory, you will need a total of 5 white peony tea leaf, and 5 effulgent incense. You will find an engraved desk inside one of the tents. Once you are done, you need to locate 4 craftsmen willing to help out. After speaking with each of the four, who will show up on the map with quest books over their heads, you receive Notes on the Journeyman.
You say, "Hail, Horc"
Horc says to you, "Can I help you?"
You say to Horc, "Yes, I was wondering if you could take a look at these recipes and maybe help me out. I need some extra hands."
Horc says to you, "Oh, let me see that. It would be good to work on something new."
You say to Horc, "Sure, take a look."
Horc says to you, "Yes, this would be right up my alley. I'm on board."
You say to Horc, "Excellent, thank you, Horc!"
You say, "Hail, Ishkar"
Ishkar says to you, "Rrrrr. I am Ishkarrrr. What do you need?"
You say to Ishkar, "I'm helping out quartermaster Fahris with some upgrades, I was wondering if you would be able to lend a hand?"
Ishkar says to you, "Quartermaster Fahrrrris is a fool. But you seem not one. Let me see what you would have me do."
You say to Ishkar, "Here, take a look at these notes."
Ishkar says to you, "Hmmmm. These are quite good, yes? This is a verrrry
interesting project. Consider me aboard."
You say to Ishkar, "Fantastic! Thank you, Ishkar!"
You say, "Hail, Carron"
Carron says to you, "You're a smart looking one. What brings me the pleasure?"
You say to Carron, "My name is _____, and I am looking for talented individuals
to help with a big project."
Carron says to you, "Ah, well then you've come to the right place, I'm always looking for something interesting to do. What kind of project are we looking at?"
You say to Carron, "I've got the details here, take a look."
Carron says to you, "This is very, very interesting. I'd love to take part. Does Fahris know you're doing this?"
You say to Carron, "I can't say that he is... he can be a little... abrasive."
Carron says to you, "The understatement of the year. You've got my hammer,
consider me signed up."
You say to Carron, "Excellent, thank you Carron!"
You say, "Hail, Eshkan"
Eshkan says to you, "Ggggggh."
You say to Eshkan, "Greetings? You look... handy? Would you want to help me upgrade some of the camp's equipment?"
Eshkan says to you, "Yes. You. Not Fahris."
You say to Eshkan, "Oh, you have a problem with Fahris too? Then I think we can definitely be friends. Here take a look at this and tell me what you think."
Eshkan says to you, "Yes. Good thoughts. This good. Will help. Make Fahris red."
You say to Eshkan, "That makes me happy Eshkan. Farewell."
Now you need to write up the results report for the commander. Examine the
Notes on the Journeyman to receive "Recipe: High Command Report",
which you will need to scribe. In addition to the quest items already in your inventory, you will also need 1 effulgent incense. When finished, deliver the report to Quentin.
You say, "Hail, Quentin"
Quentin says to you, "So, what did you come up with?"
You say to Quentin, "We've got plenty of supplies, and the manpower. I'll let the report speak for itself, here."
Quentin says to you, "Wait... This says that we've got enough to increase the survivability and power of our forces by fifty percent!? Another twenty
percent if we can requisition these items from Freeport and Qeynos? This is hard to believe. Our Quartermaster..."
You say to Quentin, "Is far more concerned about being in his cups and enjoying the perks of his tent than this war."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 36 gold. You will also receive
seven A Mysterious Blue Coin.
Quentin says to you, "This is beyond inexcusable! I need to think of what to do about this. Please excuse me, ___... actually, hm. You may want to talk to more folks in the camp - if this report is correct, then I'm sure there are members of this contingent that are unaware of the resources we have available. Keep your ears open. I take my leave."
You say to Quentin, "I will. Farewell, Commander."
Yes, you finally did it! You found a large enough clue-by-four, in the
form of data and percentages, to prove what you meant about the Quartermaster.
Go, you!
Icing the Competition
Quentin told you to talk to more folks around the camp for a reason, so exit
the big tent, and run to the back of it. To speak with Angor (not to be
confused with Mum's apprentice Agnor, who has appeared in several tales).
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "What are you looking at?"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Up there, what do you see?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Sky, clouds, I think that's a bird over there..."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Exactly."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Hm."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Do you see the problem here?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Yes. Those wyrms can fly right in, can't they?"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Hm."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Well. We can't exactly put a roof on this.
We'll have to make sure that these tents are as magic-proof as we can get �em.
Maybe leave a few nasty surprises if any of them lizards decide to land."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Yeah. Would be nice to have a roof though."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "You can't always get what you want."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "It's true, we'll have to make do."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Let's hope so. I've heard some stories of enchanted ice out there for the taking. If we can distill the essence of it, we can ward this camp against some of those lizards' magic. Wanna help me out?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I certainly do."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Excellent. We'll need a good stone worth, if my math is correct."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Alright, I will be back."
You need 10 enchanted ice from the cliffs surrounding the encampment. Fly around the highlighted area on your map and keep your eyes peeled for an azure glow. Other than that, the only smart-alek comment I have to make right now is "Hm."
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "You have the ice then."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I do."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 36 gold.
Crafting the Perfect Solution
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Okay, so, you're handy right? That's what I hear."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Among the best."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "That's what I hear, anyway. Gonna need your help, this is a big job. I need you to distill the essence for me, and then combine it with this treatment. You gotta be very careful, the ratios have to be perfect, else this ain't gonna work. "
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Don't worry about that, I can handle it."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Of that I don't doubt."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I'll be back with the solution."
Modest, aren't you? :)
Scribe the recipes that he gives you for Distilled Icy Essence and Wyrmbane
Solution. You will also receive the Distilled Essence Treatment that is needed
as an ingredient. In addition to the 10 enchanted ice already in your inventory, the distilled icy essence will also need 1 matoppie root and 1 effulgent candle, combined on the chemistry table. The wyrmbane solution will use the distilled icy essence and distilled essence treatment from inventory, and 1 effulgent candle, combined on the chemistry table.
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "You're finished?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Yes."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
One Fluid Ounce of Prevention
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Good, let's see it. Hm. Yeah, you weren't kidding, this looks perfect. Let's get this on the tents. You take
that half, I'll take this. Those lizards'll be surprised won't they?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Let's just hope they don't start breathing
shadows or something."
He will give you "Wyrmbane Solution", and you will need to click on five specific tents.
- 4470, -821, 412
- 4452, -821, 382
- 4397, -821, 354
- 4388, -822, 480
- 4420, -822, 487
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hail, _____."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "The treatments have been applied."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
A Roof Over Our Heads
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Good work, we probably saved a bunch of people today, and they don't even realize it. "
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "You know, I've been thinking about the roof problem. "
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I came across the design for a force projection
screen a while back. Scrapped it, because I never really needed it where I travel. I think it might be useful here."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "No kiddin'? I've been trying to figure
out a way of doin' that, but could never figure out a way of maintaining it.
Just a quick blast, and then outta power."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Yeah, had that same problem too, but man, gnomish engineering can come up with some novel solutions."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Still is a short term solution, can only get a battery that lasts a minute or so, but if we had a mage to back it up, could probably get a good five minutes out of it. Enough to keep them out, maybe
surprise them a bit, even."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "I like it. What do you need me to work on?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Well, since you've got a handle on the projection
mechanism, you work on that, and I'll take care of the power source. "
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm. It'll be done."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Excellent. Let me jot down my notes on the design of the power source so we can integrate more easily. I'll be back."
Examine the "Force Projector Notes" that dropped into inventory, and receive several recipes (Force Ignition Coil, Main Control Board, Power Storage Matrix, Force Projector Power Source, Force Projector. Now you need supplies to go with it, though. Thankfully, the crates next to Angor look promising ..." (Examine the crates to receive Frictionless Cogwheel, Manasink, Simple Mana Overlay, Tuned Manastone, Adamant Core, Copper Filament, and Flexible Copper Sheet.)
Craft the Force Ignition Coil, the Main Control Board, the Power Storage Matrix, and the Force Projector Power Source. In addition to the provided materials, you will need 4 effulgent coal total for these four combines.
Then return to Angor.
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hello again, you done already?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Yeah, how are you coming along?"
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 35 gold.
Multiplication Tables
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Okay, but I'm having some trouble here
with the force multiplier. I've burnt out three inhibitors already."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Hm. Well, let me see if I can help you out?
I have some ideas."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Here are the plans, let me know what you
find. I'll finish off the rest of this."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "Sounds good, I'll check it out."
He hands you a Malfunctioning Force Multiplier, and "Angor's Work on the
Force Multiplier", which you will need to scribe. In addition to the malfunctioning
force multiplier, you will also need 1 iridium cluster and 1 effulgent
coal. Return to Agnor when finished.
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Did you get it fixed?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I've got that sorted, just looked like an
issue with the magneto calipers. It should work now."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 34 gold.
Final Touches
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hooo. That makes sense. I've got everything
else sorted. Let's put it together and see if we can turn it on."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "I can't wait to see it working."
He'll hand you the Projection Unit, and you will have to craft "Force
Projector" on the work bench. In addition to the power source you already
had, and the projection unit, you will need 1 effulgent coal.
You say, "Hail, Buildmaster Angor"
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "How are you doing, is it done?"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "It is, the force projector is complete."
You gain tradeskill xp, AA and roughly 1 plat, 35 gold. You also receive 5
A Mysterious Blue Coin
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "This is beautiful. Those lizards won't
know what hit them. Literally. I'll get some folks trained up to use this device.
The camp is in your debt."
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "No one is in my debt. If we don't win this
fight, we're all doomed."
Buildmaster Angor says to you, "Hm. Good luck to you, ______!"
You say to Buildmaster Angor, "And you, Angor."
If you have not already completed the quests in Yeppa's Last Stand, you will want to go do those quests now. Once you have completed all of the above quests, and the Yeppa's Last Stand line, you will be ready for the "endline" which includes some crafting for Plex, and then your final reward.
Created: 2013-04-27 09:40:56
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2013-04-30 02:11:29
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