EQ Traders Corner

Moonlight Enchantments - Yet More Goodies

March 2013 was a wonderful time for new house items with the monthly Moonlight Enchantments (aka "grotto" or "mushroom ring") event. May 2013, however, is looking to be even better, with 23 new house items, and two new repeatable quests becoming available during the grotto events! (The grottos run from 12:01 am Pacific on the 20th to 11:59 pm Pacific on the 21st of every month, for those who are new to this event.)

The "Faundler"

That is right, folks. If your desire for more tokens has been struggling with your dislike of the "faundler" staring at you while you craft endless amounts of rootbeer for him, you can now get a change of scenery while you are grinding. (Not everyone is bothered by him, but his creepy habit of tapping his hands together while watching you craft has earned him the nickname that he will probably carry with him to the end of time.)

A Change of Scene - Repeatable Quests

Enchanted Zygomid Grotto (Nek)

Meet Shasta Evergreen. She seems to enjoy being in the dim lighting of the Zygomid (Nektulos Forest) grotto -- except for one little detail. She has gotten tired of her rations, and has a craving her grandmum's candied mushroom tart. While there are plenty of ingredients in the grotto, she feels it would be rude of her to pluck up the mushrooms. After all, she is going to be there a while studying them, and it just doesn't seem like the right thing to do in front of her hosts. Since you won't be sticking around, it wouldn't ruffle their spores in the same way if you were the one doing the gathering and cooking. (Ignore the fact that she'd still be eating them. Wood elf logic can sometimes be a bit lacking. {ducks thrown items from the wood elf contingent})

You will need to gather phosphorescent mushrooms and rock sugar crystals from inside the grotto. (Can only harvest while on the quest.) Once you have them, you perform the combines in the little campfire to the right of her, using the artistry (provisioner) skill. (Repeatable quest name: Comforting Confections)

Time-Sensitive Notes: There are changes being made to this quest, but they will not make it in before these quests go live on May 20, 2013. So, for May-only, you will need to gather 5 of each item before you can make a combine, and you will need to manually scribe the recipe for each repetition of the quest. For June-onwards, you will only need to gather 4 of each ingredient, and the recipe will auto-scribe into your books when you are on the quest.

Enchanted Fay Grotto (GFay)

Meet Odeyana, an overseer of Growth in the Fay grotto. She is worried that the growthtenders that she oversees are starting to become a bit remiss in their care of the plants in the grotto, and hopes that you can help. She would love it if you could craft some revitalizing pixie tea to reinvigorate the growthtenders. You will need fay blossoms and honey, both harvested in the grotto (must be on the quest to harvest them). You will find the blossoms scattered about, and the honey will be from beehives that can be found on some of the larger plant stems in the zone. Once you are ready, you will find that the item that looks like a yellow flower lamp to the left of Odeyana is your crafting container, and you will need to use the artistry (provisioner) skill for the combines. (Repeatable quest name: Blooming Good Tea)

Time-Sensitive Notes: There are changes being made to this quest, but they will not make it in before these quests go live on May 20, 2013. So, for May-only, you will need to gather 5 of each item before you can make a combine, and you will need to manually scribe the recipe for each repetition of the quest. For June-onwards, you will only need to gather 4 of each ingredient, and the recipe will auto-scribe into your books when you are on the quest.

New Buyables

Here are the new buyables, broken down by grotto instance. Each of these items costs 1 elemental token. (If you want to see size comparisons of these items, check out this link.)

Enchanted Zygomid Grotto (Nek)

Bleached Limestone
Mature Blue Fungus
Moss Agate Stone
Murky Stone
Owlbear Plushie
Umber Boulder


  • Nektulos Owlbear Plushie makes some faint hooting noises
  • Moss Agate Stone has NO collision (it is not solid). The other rocks have proper collision

Enchanted Naiad Grotto (EL)

Booming Desert Thistle
Coast Barrel Cactus
Enchanted Lasher Plushie
Nektulos Shade Fern
Sundered Succulent


  • Enchanted Lasher Plushie makes squeaking noises (just like the mob version of the lashers does)

Enchanted Brownie Grotto (DLW)

Arid Flames Palm
Ancient Sands Palm
Brittle Wastes Oak
Darklight Growler Plushie
Darklight Sapling

Enchanted Fay Grotto (Greater Faydark)

Darkened Healianthus
Faydark Guardian Plushie
Withered Lands Orchid

Enchanted Dryad Grotto (Antonica)

Antonican Grizzly Plushie
Lavender Sand Urchin Shell
Sparkly Water Tile
Teal Clamshell


  • There is now the Sparkly Water Tile (for those who like the Edward Cullen Sparkle) and Watery Tile, without the sparkle effect

Created: 2013-05-16 08:45:57          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2013-05-17 05:41:45          

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