This quest went live with the release of GU41, and was expanded, with additional rewards and one zone added, with the release of GU45.
Are you one of those people who has been longing for cups, saucers and plates for your home? Or perhaps you have exclaimed in dismay when you find an area where the cherry pickers have harested everything but the food shrubs, and there are only shrubs left behind, as far as the eye can see?
Well then, how about a repeatable set of quests that rewards you for clearing out all those shrubs with some dishes? You are not dreaming. (And no, I won't pinch you!)
Duggin Brandywine,located on the docks in Thundering Steppes is a very hungry halfling. Even worse, it seems his supervisor doesn't understand about halfling appetites, and doesn't even keep any afternoon snacks on hand! Help a starving halfling out by harvesting a lot of food nodes in a specific zone, and he will reward you with a coffee cup, saucer and/or plate for your home. (These items are tradeable and have no status reduction.) He may even give you a tiny bit of tradeskill xp for your efforts!
Doesn't he just look so pitiful? More importantly, don't you want dishes like that for your home?
This quest is repeatable. It requires at least a 90 gathering skill for the lowest of the available zones.
Duggin is hungry. We said that already, but unless you know halflings well, you truly don't understand how very hungry he can be. So it bears repeating. VERY hungry. So hungry that he wants you to harvest 100 bits of food from shrubs and dens in a specific zone. (For the Sinking Sands quests, you also need 100 wood, so he has firewood to cook with.) He'll reward you with a few silver, perhaps, along with some dishes, so that you can celebrate the wonders of food and drink as well!
He will allow you to choose to harvest from one of several zones, and you will need 100 units of food from shrub and den nodes in your chosen zone. Any food or meat harvest will count, and you do not get the items in inventory (i.e., the quest keeps them, so if you harvest up 5 lion meat, it gives you credit for 5 food items, and that meat never appears in your inventory.
Here's a handy listing for what Duggin has to offer you in return for your efforts (note that you can only have one of these quests active at a time):
Thundering Steppes* Gathering: 90 Quest: Tiffin for Duggin Reward: coffee cup
Thundering Steppes* Gathering: 90 Quest: Tiffin for Duggin Reward: ornate knife
Enchanted Lands Gathering: 140 Quest: Home Cooking Reward: coffee cup and saucer
Enchanted Lands Gathering: 140 Quest: Home Cooking Reward: Teir'dal cup and saucer
Zek, The Orcish Wastes Gathering: 140 Quest: Filling the Bottomless Belly Reward: ornate dining plate
Zek, The Orcish Wastes Gathering: 140 Quest: Filling the Bottomless Belly Reward: ornate fork
Everfrost Gathering: 190 Quest: Frozen Foods Reward: a dining plate
Everfrost Gathering: 190 Quest: Frozen Foods Reward: Teir'Dal shotglass
Feerrot Gathering: 190 Quest: Hungry, Hungry Halflings Reward: an ornate stein
Feerrot Gathering: 190 Quest: Hungry, Hungry Halflings Reward: ornate spoon
Feerrot Gathering: 190 Quest: Hungry, Hungry Halflings Reward: Teir'Dal Cocktail Glass
Sinking Sands Gathering: 240 Foresting: 240 Quest: Desserts from the Desert Reward: small wooden bowl
Sinking Sands Gathering: 240 Foresting: 240 Quest: Desserts from the Desert Reward: wooden table setting
*Can harvest in any tier 3 zone - Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, Butcherblock Mountains, etc.
Oh, and don't worry that he's just pawning his dirty dishes off on you - he'll be quick to reassure you that he licked them clean beforehand!
As always, thanks go to Kaisha for the images!
Created: 2007-12-07 06:13:39
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2010-07-31 09:42:45
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