The Beast'r Egg hunt quietly began in 2017 with no fanfare. This year, the event is becoming a bit more formalized, with advanced warning as well as new eggs to hunt. Here's what Kaitheel has to say about the event:
Each year, at the beginning of the season of Growth, Tunare whispers to the animals of the forest to let them know that the season is about to start – it is her Promise to them. In their excitement, the animals begin behaving exuberantly, looking forward to the gifts of nature that come along with the season of renewal. The small animals especially are excited (squirrels, rabbits, birds, foxes, and the like), because this is when they either look for mates or bring out their young for the first time. You don't have to be a druid or a fellow worshiper of Tunare to celebrate the season of Growth, for all are welcome!
The basic premise of this little event is that there are beast'r eggs hopping around the cities and starter areas in Norrath, and you get to try to hunt them down and grab them. If you manage to grab one, you get an heiroom fluff pet "gem" (scroll) of the egg. This year there are also"Beast'r Eggschanger" NPCs in Qeynos Province District, Freeport, Darklight Wood, Greater Faydark, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea. This NPC will let you trade in the heirloom fluff pet gem for a housepet version.
The Eggs
The five egg types from last year return as well as six new ones this year.
Bouncy Beast'r (New)
Bubbly Beast'r (New)
Bumbly Beast'r
Cheeky Beast'r
Cheery Beast'r
Feisty Beast'r (New)
Frisky Beast'r
Lively Beast'r (New)
Lovely Beast'r
Peppy Beast'r (New)
Zesty Beast'r (New)
Want a closer look at these eggs? Ocarinah put together a preview video for us.
Last year's hidden "Beast'r Egg Hunter" achievement returns again this year along with a new hidden achievement "Accomplished Beast'r Egg Hunter".
This event will run on all servers, including both TLE servers, from March 27, 2018 at 12:01 a.m. until April 3, 2018 until 11:59 p.m.
Is it just me, or does this Eggschanger in New Halas have a "Spring? What spring?" look on his face?
Created: 2018-03-14 07:53:03
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2019-04-05 07:42:14
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