Do you like a good joke, or a bit of harmless (or not-so-harmless) mischief? Then this annual celebration might be right up your alley! Bristlebane Day celebrations will begin on March 24, 2023 at 12:01 AM PAC time and end on April 6, 2023 at 11:59 PM PAC time on all servers*, with a few extra-special events available only on April 1.
*Special Rules Servers:
- Kael Drakkel: the entire event will be active
Varsoon: The “Prankster's Piece of the Pie” collection and Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt quest is available in Enchanted Lands and special holiday merchants, located in Freeport and Qeynos Capitol District, have over 20 Bristlebane Day themed house items and equipment pieces for your celebrations!) Special holiday merchants located in Freeport and Qeynos Capitol District will have even more Bristlebane Day themed house items and equipment pieces available only on 4/1
In addition to all the returning content from past years, there will be one new quest, one new recipe book, 9 new buyables, and one new reward choice for one of the quests that occurs exclusively on April 1. Patchcraft crabs have also been added to Takish Badlands.
New Crafted
"Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XIV" joins us this year as our newest Bristlebane Day recipe book. As with the other recipe books for this event, it requires level 2 artisan to scribe, special Bristlebane event harvestables and tier 1 and tier 2 common harvestables. The special Bristlebane harvests come from Jester's gardens, which spawn in Commonlands, Antonica, Greater Faydark, Darklight Wood, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea. The book is heirloom, costs 60s and 90c and contains recipes for the following items within it (pristine combines yield 2):
Blooming Sunset Barrel Cactus
Dark Wicker Basket of Green Beans
Emerald Glass Pitcher
Grand Prankster's Circular Rug
Grand Prankster's Large Circular Rug
Grand Prankster's Runner
Madcap Target Dummy
Mini Autumnal Potted Tree
Poultry Egg
Rivervale Chandelier
Rivervale Sconce
Single Gold Bar
Thicket Fir Rocking Chair
Thicket Fir Screen
New Buyables
You will find "a Bristlebane Day merchant" in every home crafting society area, selling both new and returning items, including the brand-new "Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XIV". Most of these items will require the event-specific currency, Fool's Gold coins, but two are sold for cash.
In addition to the recipe book mentioned above, the 9 new buyable items on this merchant are:
Buffed Brass Metal Square 1g 20s
Magic Mouth Scaleripper* 15 coins
Merrymaker's Steelhead (appearance weapon) 5 coins
Pecking Hen (fluff pet) 20 coins
Picklaw Reveler Plushie** 20 coins
Picklaw Taunter Plushie** 20 coins
Rivervale Kitchen Fireplace 10 coins
Tile of Purple Palatial Tiles 1g 20s
Whimsical Bristlebane Day Cap 5 coins
*Acts like a normal Magic Mouth Item
**Animated - these two plushies move in place a bit, and have sound effects tied to them.
New Quest
There is one new quest, using a slightly different mechanic than you are used to for live events, so please read carefully and also spread the word to your friends.
You will need to harvest the quest starter by hand from the "Jester's Gardens". It will be a random drop, and there will be no fanfare tied to it, so you will want to carefully watch your harvest messages. You will then need to examine the item, a no-trade "Worn Bovoch Hackamore" to accept the quest "Saddle Up!" All further quest updates will automagically credit as you continue to harvest the Jester's Gardens. At quest completion, you will head to an NPC in the Enchanted Lands to receive your choice of either an Unsaddled Beltie Bovoch Plushie or ten Fool's Gold Coins.
Unsaddle Beltie Bovoch Plushie
April 1 Hijinks
April 1 is considered the high feast day, or "Highest of Silly Days" during the Bristlebane celebrations. Because of this there are special quests that are available only on April 1, 2022.
New April 1 Quest Rewards
The "Riddled Throughout the Lands" April 1 quest series from Imenand in the Enchanted Lands has a new heirloom housepet reward choice added this year for "Riddle Mei-Theiz" this year: the new Twelve-Sided Stone of a Different Color. This 12-sided die changes color, not only when you pick it up and set it down, but also randomly changes color on its own. Pictures are not yet available for this item as it is not being released early on Test.
New Old Vendor Appears!
Heartgar MacInnes, the Erollisi Day love loot trader reappears on April 1 in Qeynos Harbor and East Freeport so you can trade your miscellaneous love notes and hard candies into barbarian love notes.
Quest Tracker?
Casdoe of Maj'Dul has once again updated her quest tracker for this event and sent me one version in XLS format and one in PDF format. Thanks!
Video Preview?
The incredibly busy Ocarinah has managed to whip up a narrated item preview for Bristlebane Day 2023, as well as a shorter, silent version. Thanks as always - your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Created: 2023-03-14 08:01:14
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2023-03-23 02:40:03
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