Welcome to the annual celebration of Brewday, the celebration of brews, Brell Serilis and all his creations! This event will run on live servers from the start of March 7, 2024 through the end of March 20, 2024.
In addition to the return of quests from past years, this year's event will include one new book of recipes, six new merchant items and one new quest. The full event will be available on Kael Drakkel and Varsoon, while Zarrakon will have special holiday merchants in Qeynos and Freeport and can also complete the Brews Across Norrath collection. (TLE servers need to be as far as Rise of Kunark to have Brewday activated due to numerous quest steps in Jarsath Wastes & Timorous Deep, one of which rewards the Ale Goggles needed to see the harvestables.)
Head over to the Bar of Brell (located in Antonica, Commonlands, Haven, Greater Faydark, Timorous Deep and Frostfang Sea) to get started. Once you have completed the quest for the Improved Ale Goggles from inside the bar, equip them and you can then see and harvest special event harvests from Bountiful Brew Day Gardens in Commonlands, Antonica, Greater Faydark, Darklight Wood, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea.
To make it easier for you to find the new items, Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell only sells the new items, and all returning items are on Digret Runebrand. (She is located just to the right as you enter the Bar of Brell, listening to the band.)
New Crafted Items
Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell sells "Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XV", which contains recipes for the following items:
Dunetooth Lean-To
Dunetooth Tent
Grobb Curved Bar Table
Halasian Pitcher
Hops Wreath
Misty Green Tile
Odus Mahogany
Pickled Eggs
Serendipitous Plate
Serendipitous Plate of Crunchy Grub
Square Framed Emerald Glass Window
Tall Framed Emerald Glass Window
Triangle Framed Emerald Glass Window
New Buyable Items
These new items may be purchased on Balin Copperfoot in the Bar of Brell in exchange for the Beer Token event currency.
Brewday Party Fireworks Launcher 5 tokens
Claws of the Stone Sculpture 15 tokens
Drinking Dhalgar Skeleton Plushie 4 tokens
Emerald Zelniak (housepet) 10 tokens
Petamorph Wand: Krausen Wisp 15 tokens
Wall-embedded Keg 5 tokens
New Quest
There is a new drop quest that is available while manually harvesting the Bountiful Brewday Gardens in starter overland zones. (Improved Ale Goggles are needed to see and harvest the gardens.) Watch your inventory carefully when harvesting them to find the quest starter that will drop into your inventory. Once you examine it, the other updates before the final hand-in will be auto updates as you harvest the Bountiful Brewday Gardens. The quest will then send you to one of several locations to hand in the quest and claim your Grand Brewday Wreath reward.
Grand Brewday Wreath
Quest Tracker
Casdoe of Maj'Dul has once again updated her quest trackers with the new information, so you can use them to track the progress of your alts: quest tracker in XLS form and the PDF version as well.
Created: 2024-03-07 04:56:30
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2024-03-07 05:07:28
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