EQ Traders Corner

Chronoportals 2025 - Blast From the (Crafting) Past

Chronomages view the past as very wibbly-wobbly and have this tendency to fling adventurers into the past with wild abandon. Welcome to the 2025 Chronoportal Phenomenon, where players celebrate the 26th anniversary of the original EverQuest by revisiting special events from EQ's past. This year, for the first time, this event will also revisit a crafting recipe from EQ's past, with a new annual quest, and an associated repeatable instance quest.

This event will run from 12:01 a.m. Pacific on March 6 through 11:59 p.m. on March 19, 2023. After the event is completed the merchants will move from the Chronoweave instance to Antonica and the Commonlands from March 20 through March 31, 2024.


The event this year will include all the returning goodies: buyables, collections, the normal and fabled chronportal instances, and the overseer series. In addition, there are several bits of new goodness this year: a dozen new buyables are just the tip of the iceberg, as there's the first tradeskill content for the chronoportals, a chronoportal raid instance, and a new painting in the Southern Desert of Ro Public Quest (PQ). The special rule servers will have the following content:

  • Zarrakon, Varsoon & Kael Drakkel - The entire event is active, with the exception of with the exception of Beyond the Shimmering Portal, Miragul's Madness, Kael Drakkel: Remnants of War [Chronoportal Raid], and the Fabled zones, due to their level

New Purchased Items

Glowing purple portals can be found in Myrist, the Coliseum of Valor, Antonica, The Commonlands, Enchanted Lands, Thundering Steppes, Steamfont Mountains, Lavastorm, Sinking Sands, Feerrott, and Moors of Ykesha that lead to the Chronoweave instance. There you will find Distun Dekli selling various items for the Ancient Platinum Coin currency. The following dozen new items will be sold on this merchant for 1 Ancient Platinum Coin each.

Enticement in the Age of Turmoil
Gnollish Bone Ward
Gnollish Rune Obelisk
Horizontal Teir'dal Banner
Jaws of Frozen Fate
Living in Nightmare
Petamorph Wand: Sand Mummy
Talendor Plushie
Tarnished Guk Brazier
The Last Defense
The Tangrin Plushie
Veeshan's Wake

Tradeskill Content? In Chronoportals?

We are digging deep into old EQ recipes with Portal to the Past: Grobb and crafting some yummy(?) Grobb Liquidised Meat. Speak with Zedd in the Chronoweave to obtain the yearly "Friend, Not Food!" quest that awards a Grobb Brew Barrel that looks very much like the original brew barrel in EQ. (Cannot be used for crafting.) The quest "Liquid Lunch" from within the Portal to the Past: Grobb instance can be repeated for the Grobb Liquidised Meat house item or for Ancient Platinum Coins. (I want to say it is every hour and a half on the repetition for "Liquid Lunch", but I'll have to check from w*rk tomorrow to be sure that my memory isn't playing tricks on me.)

Grobb Brew Barrel
"Friend, Not Food!
Grobb Liquidised Meat
"Liquid Lunch!

New Reward

The public quest "Camping the AC" that is located from "Portal to the Past: Southern Desert of Ro" has had a new reward added to it. In addition to the four paintings available last year with this event, a new painting has been added to the painting options:

Dragons of Norrath


There are two new plume recipes for the plume event slot that are unlocked on the Chronoportal Merchant via the "Kill It If You Have To" achievement. (Complete the "Hunt the Past" quest during Chronoportals this year.)

Continuing Achievement

The Party Sign! Excellent! achievement that was introduced with Erollisi Day this year continues with markable signs near several of the portals leading into Chronoportals instances.

Quest Tracker

Do you have too many alts? Need to keep track of which one needs what for the achievement? Casdoe of Maj'Dul has updated her quest trackers for 2025 - Chronoportals quest tracker in XLS form and the PDF version.

Created: 2025-03-06 03:40:24          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2025-03-06 04:10:32          

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