EQ Traders Corner

The Crafting Commission System

One of the biggest worries from both a customer and a crafter perspective, when dealing with orders for rare items, is that you won't get quite what you bargained for. Customers worry that they either won't get anything for that precious rare that they handed over, or that they will get something that has different stats than they expected. Crafters worry that they may not get paid fully to cover resources, fuel, time, and so on. The commission system provides a way to protect crafters and customers alike from costly mistakes, misunderstandings, and the occasional outright fraud.

In addition, it is the only way to create no-trade items for other players. This is handy on a few different fronts, but most importantly, is required if you wish to complete the "crafter epic".

By using the commission process, the crafter displays what the finished product will look like, and the customer, after checking to be sure that it is the item that they want, provides at least the primary ingredient for the recipe. All additional items and cash that are to be provided should also be sorted out and included in the proper spots in the interface. Once both parties have accepted the terms of the transaction, the crafter begins the crafting process, while the customer watches a handy progress bar to see how the work is going. At the end of the process, the finished item drops into the customer's inventory and any payment drops into the crafter's inventory.

How It Works from the Crafter End

  1. Plant yourself in front of the appropriate piece of crafting equipment, and have the customer standing nearby
  2. Open up your recipe book.
  3. Target the customer, then click on the recipe that you are offering to craft for them. (Note that a new feature with the release of EoF is that you do not have to keep the tradeskill equipment targeted when crafting. You just need to be near it.)
  4. Until they drop in the primary ingredient into the first item slot on their commission interface, you're mostly just waiting at this point and/or teaching the customer what to place where. Note that the primary MUST go in the first ingredient slot for it to accept it properly
  5. Talk them through what else you need them to provide for resources and fuel in the rest of that first set of item boxes in the commission interface.
  6. **Pay close attention to stacks offered in the materials section, as you do NOT get any leftover materials from that section - see the bottom of the page for more details.
  7. Any materials not provided by the customer in the matierals section will be taken from the crafter's inventory. If the crafter does not have enough resources and fuel to make up the other ingredients in the recipe, you will not be able to start the crafting process.
  8. Sort out how much cash they are offering in payment, and who gets any byproducts (important with dust from adept IIIs, as well as with tinkering and adornments).
  9. Once everything is to your satisfaction, hit "Accept" and wait for them to do the same.
  10. Once both parties have accepted the deal, your recipe window progresses to the ingredient page for that recipe, so you can hit "Begin" and start crafting.
  11. Finish crafting the item, using reaction arts as usual. (Note that you can't quit out of a commissioned job early, even on items like cloaks, where quality does not matter.
  12. Voila. Any payment should drop into your inventory, the finished item should automagically drop into their inventory.

How it Works from the Customer End

  1. Stand next to the crafter and have the primary ingredient for the recipe handy, unstacked. (Yes, the image above shows a stack of 49, however, there's a good reason for why I want you to have it unstacked - see the bottom of the page for more details.)
  2. When the crafter targets you and then selects the recipe, a commission window will pop up on your screen, saying that they are offering to craft a specific item with your materials. Mouse over the item and be sure that it is the exact item that you want before going any further.
  3. Note that you will not be able to see what ingredients are required, but will have to depend on the crafter to tell you what you need to drop in. As I'll repeat below, any extra resources not used up by the recipe will be returned to you at the end of the crafting session.
  4. **Drop one of the primary ingredient into the first slot of the materials line of the commission interface. The first ingredient, whether rare or common, must go in the first ingredient slot in the commission window.
  5. If you are also providing secondary ingredients and fuel, those are dropped in the additional "Materials" boxes. Anything that is not fully consumed (partial stacks and such, if you dropped in more than was needed) is returned to you at the end of the process. Adding extra resources to the materials row does NOT work as a "tip" to the crafter, but is returned to you at the end of the process.
  6. Click on the little coin images in the payment section to offer up cash as part of the deal.
  7. The side products checkbox is to sort out who gets byproducts, such as the dust created from making adept IIIs. Make sure you and your crafter agree on who gets it - it will default to going to the crafter.
  8. Drop any additional item "tip" in that last little box right above the "accept" button. You don't have to, of course, but after you see what a crafter has to go through to make an item, you might feel the desire to give them a little something for their effort. :D
  9. Once you and the crafter are happy with what is being offered in return for the item, hit accept.
  10. After both of you have hit accept, the crafter has to actually start crafting the recipe. The little item creation progress bar shows you how far along they are in the creation of the item.
One thing to note is that only the first item (the primary ingredient for the recipe) absolutely must be provided by the customer in order to perform the commission process. However, anything not provided by the customer for the rest of the ingredients must be provided by the crafter, so both parties should pay close attention to what is being offered vs what the recipe requires.

What is This About Stacks?

**Stacks have known issues and features, and one of these features can really mess up crafter and customer alike. If a resource is needed in two spots in a recipe, then you need to provide two separate piles of that resource. For example, if a tier 6 common cloak needs 1 succulent root in the first of the materials boxes, then 10 or more into another slot in the materials row if the customer is providing all the roots. If the customer, instead, puts 11 succulent roots into the first box of the materials row, ONE is used as the primary ingredient, the other 10 roots are returned to the customer, and the recipe takes the other 10 succulent roots from the crafter's inventory. (Rare recipes, thankfully, only ever use one rare, used in the first ingredient slot, but common recipes can use the same ingredient in the primary slot, as well as in one of the secondary ingredient slots.) Reread this, ask me in a post on the forums to reword it if it doesn't make sense to you. This one thing has the potential for great confusion and frustration if you learn it the hard way.

Created: 2006-11-14 11:17:12          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2008-02-09 08:09:59          

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