From the smallest of hovels, to the grandest of mansions, it's not just your furniture that will make a difference on how your home looks. What you do with the walls, floors,ceilings and trim will also have an impact on the overall look and feel of your home. (Trim includes the lower portions of segmented walls, and decorative molding, as well as stairway railings and the like.) Please note that Maj'dul and Kelethin homes do not have any customization options.
With a bit of cash, you can customize any home that you own, or for which you have trustee access. Which housing treatments you can choose from will vary based on whether the residence is in Freeport or in Qeynos. Right-click on any bare bit of wall, floor, ceiling or trim when your mouse pointer has turned into an image of a crossed hammer and saw in order to see the customization options available for that item, as well as the one-time purchase price. (This may take some juggling around to find a spot, so be patient.) Once you have purchased the option, you then have to pay 10s to have the interior decorators come in and set it. Click on the name in the Purchased Options section of that customization window and then click Set. The purchase price is a one-time fee, but every time you actually change between the various options that you own, there will be a 10s setting fee.
Three quick, but important notes:
- In 1-bedroom homes, the ceiling will automagically change to match the wall option that you choose, so you only have to change the ceiling option if you want it to be different than your walls. This is not the case for 5-bedroom homes, and I don't (yet) have data on 2- and 3-bedroom homes.
- You do not start out "owning" the default options in your new home, so if you're a Qeynosian who started out with Jagged Willow Wood walls, and you then changed them to something else, you'll need to buy the Jagged Willow Wood option if you ever want to change back to it.
- Qeynos 5-room mansions are exceptions to many rules. In order to change the main ceiling in the home, try the ceiling in the little nook right before the stairs leading up to the attic. Pretty much every room in the home will require separate purchasing and setting of housing options (*sort of), so redecorating becomes expensive VERY quickly. *The exception is the room that leads to the basement, which will take on the floor setting of the first room. It is unknown if this also holds true for Freeport mansions.
- These options will look different based on your graphics settings (graphics resolution as well as your lighting and gamma options), but they should give you a basic feel for the different options.
The only other real thing to note is that Qeynos housing options are wildly inconsistent on names and prices as compared to Freeport housing options.
N/A = option Not Available for purchase Qeynos Options
Name |
Floor/Cost |
Wall/Cost |
Trim/Cost |
Ceiling/Cost |
Jagged Willow Wood (default 1-bedroom) |
Coarse Willow Wood |
1g 28s
2g 25s
not available |
Rugged Willow Wood |
2g 25s
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Traditional Oak |
5g 12s
10g 24s
2g 56s
10g 24s
Opulent Elddar |
10g 24s
10g 24s
10g 24s
20g 48s
Unfinished Oak |
N/A |
N/A |
1g 28s
N/A |
Affluent Elddar |
N/A |
N/A |
40g 90s
N/A |
Extravagant Elddar |
20g 48s
N/A |
20g 48s
N/A |
Superior Oak |
N/A |
N/A |
5g 12s
N/A |
Freeport Options
Name |
Floor/Cost |
Wall/Cost |
Trim/Cost |
Ceiling/Cost |
Refinished Driftwood (default 1-bedroom) |
Blood Stained Maple |
2g 56s
2g 56s
2g 56s
2g 56s
Cracked Granite |
1g 28s
1g 28s
1g 28s
Conventional Stucco |
N/A |
5g 12s
N/A |
5g 12s
Polished Obsidian |
20g 48s
20g 48s
20g 48s
20g 48s
Hatchling Treant Bark |
10g 24s
10g 24s
10g 24s
10g 24s
Rough Sandstone |
5g 12s
N/A |
5g 12s
N/A |
Created: 2005-11-16 05:13:31
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2010-09-10 11:41:57
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