EQ Traders Corner

Frostfell 2021

The end of another year is rapidly drawing near, which means that Frostfell is almost upon us once again!

This event will be on the live servers from 8 a.m. Pacific on December 7, 2021 until 11:59 p.m. on January 4, 2022. As with every past Frostfell event, this event starts with a 7 a.m. patch time, instead of the midnight-to-midnight you are used to with other events. (Those huge Frostfell trees in Qeynos and Freeport take some special tending to in that respect!) The TLE servers, Kaladim and Tarinax, will have most of the event EXCEPT for: Little Lost Goblin, Deepice Dreams, Special Delivery, O Frostfell Tree, Tis the Season, Gift Giving, and Gallivanting Gifties. (This is due to the zones needed for these not being available on those servers.)

Before We Start the Eye Candy

What's New?

Nine of Santa Glug's sixteen gifts this year are new. Gerbi Frostfoot will sell twelve new items for Frozen Token of E'ci. Giggawat and Garsleblat will sell several old Frostfell outfits for coin. There are three new Frostfell crafting books this year: Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XIV, Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XIV and Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XIV. Last, but not least, there is one new overseer quest this year.

How to Access the Event

If you are new to Frostfell, or simply feeling a bit brain-fogged, the main Frostfell hub, the Frostfell Wonderland Village, is available from every home city via a magic cabinet. There is quite a bit to see and do in there as well as quests in all starting cities. I recommend that you visit the wiki for details on the quests. If you have a lot of alts that you want to run through the event, you might also want to download Casdoe's Frostfell tracker in XLS version and a PDF version, which have been updated for 2021.

You may wish to clear out a bunch of bag space-or make room for one Frostfell shopping bag from the vendor, and some extra room in another bag or two not only for the overflow from that bag but also for the items that you craft, gifts from Santa, quest rewards, etc. If you forget to unload before you head in, there is a banker at the top of the zone near the entrance.

New Crafted

These are the items from three newest Frostfell recipe books (Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XII, Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XII and Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell).

Austere Cold Pine Garland
Austere Cold Pine Swag
Blue and White Striped Oblong Bauble
Blue Candle
Chilled New Halas Glass
Frostfell Hall Table
Frostfell Holiday Stripe Block Set
Frostfell Side Table
Goahmari Graze Bush
Green and White Striped Oblong Bauble
Holiday Plaid Plush Chair
Holiday Plaid Plush Large Couch
Red and White Striped Oblong Bauble
Chocolaty Ninjabread Plushie
Crispy Ninjabread Plushie
Jingle Bell Berry Compote
Round Festive Tartan Rug
Round Red and White Holly Rug
Wonderland Cranberry Relish
Frostfell Joy (appearance armor set)
Snappy Purple (appearance armor set)

Santa Glug Gifts

Every 18 hours, each of your characters can visit Santa Glug in the Frostfell Wonderland Village for a random gift. This year there are seven gifts returning from past years, and nine new ones.

Austere Pine Garland
Austere Pine Swag
Cranberry Ooze (heirloom housepet)
Cream-Point Kitten (fluff pet)
Peppermint Candy Cane Crown
Petamorph Wand: Snowy Cliff Beak
Sugar Sweet Dreams Plushie
Sweet Holiday Fruit Basket
Twinkling Ceramic Frostfell Tree

In addition to the above new Santa Glug gifts, returning items that you may also receive are:

  • Lemon Yellow Gumdrop
  • Nye'Caelona Snowglobe
  • Cool Mint Candy Crown
  • Santa Glug Plushie
  • Majestic Stag Ice Sculpture
  • Decorative Glacial Candycane
  • Candy Crumble Rug

New Buyables

Gerbi Frostfoot sells twelve new items for Frozen Token of E'Ci. You will need to have done one of the Icy Keep instances on the purchasing character either in past years or this year, in order to unlock access to him.

A Currant Candycane Frostfell
Cube Pet
6 tokens
Frostfell Magic Flinger*
20 tokens
Icicle Stalagmaw Plushie
10 tokens
Jolly-Filled Frostfell Cube
(fluff pet)
20 tokens
New Halas Ceramic Frostfell Tree
10 tokens
Rime Snail Plushie
10 tokens
Shimmering Splendor Frost Star**
20 tokens
Snow Drifter's Flying Carpet
500 tokens

Merry Frostfell Cape & Cloak
12 tokens each
Merry Frostfell Finery and Hat
6 tokens each

*The Frostfell Magic Flinger will fling players up into the air when they run too close to it.

**Shimmering Splendor Frost Star is another of those special effect items that does not preview properly in the preview window, and cannot be resized due to the particle effects on it.

Removed from Mothballs ...

Garselblatt and Giggawatt Gigglegibber, two of the gift vendors in the Frostfell Wonderland Village, sell some clothing items for coin that have not been available in several years:

  • Her Faded Festive Mood
  • Her Faded Frostfell Finest
  • Her Overdyed Festive Mood
  • Her Overdyed Frostfell Finest
  • Her Vibrant Festive Mood
  • Her Vibrant Frostfell Finest
  • His Faded Festive Mood
  • His Faded Frostfell Finest
  • His Overdyed Festive Mood
  • His Overdyed Frostfell Finest
  • His Vibrant Festive Mood
  • His Vibrant Frostfell Finest

New Oversee Quest Series- Valkyrie Saga

The new overseer quest series, which can only be obtained during Frostfell, is available from Pilip Mumbletoes in the Frostfell Wonderland Village. You may repeat this series as many times as you wish, so long as Frostfell is running when you go to obtain the starter again.

Arctic Wyrm (housepet)
Icespire Maiden Plushie
Petamorph Wand: Eidolon of the Ancients

The final overseer quest in the series will also grant you the prefix title of "Saga Survivor."

Returning Collections

All four Frostfell collections are returning this year. This includes the frozen toes collection from the Frostfell Wonderland Village and the Icy Keep dungeon, plus the three new ones from last year. (Since folks don't always have those three new ones memorized: Three pieces from each collection are found (Qeynos/Freeport/Neriak), three pieces from each collection are found in the Frostfell Wonderland Village, and three pieces from each collection are found in the secondary cities of Gorowyn, Kelethin, New Halas.)

What Else?

Obtaining Frostfell crafting stations for your home is once again an option this year. The Frostfell crafting instance also returns (look for the gobbie with the green quest feather in the Frostfell Wonderland Village for the quest), harvestable gifts return, etc.

In addition, we are seeing the return of the Twelve Days of Frostfell again this year, with a couple new items added to his offerings. Santa Glug's Curious Clerk will be located in Qeynos Harbor and West Freeport, near those cities' Magic Closet that leads to the Frostfell Wonderland Village.

His returning items include three Frostfell-themed mercenary contracts, four gumdrop familiars, and one house deed. The house, Santa Glug's Cheerful Holiday Home, consists of 3 snowglobe "rooms" (right-click the housing portal to port from globe to globe) that are placed inside of a massively oversized replica of the entry area to the old Baubbleshire Inn.

The two new items are a "Brightly the Baby Dragon" familiar and "Yulondo, the Steadfast" mount.

The Glug's Chocolate Coin currency for these items will be obtained as a bonus from purchasing specific Frostfell-themed items from the "Holiday Bundles" section of the Marketplace. The currency is heirloom.


I really don't know how Ocarinah keeps up with everything, I truly don't, but I am very grateful that she does. She has put together a full narrated version of the Frostfell House Item Preview as well as a short silent version. As always, thanks, ma'am! You rock!

Created: 2021-11-26 04:14:51          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2021-11-27 07:04:00          

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