EQ Traders Corner

Tradeskill Racial Traits

Unlocking racial abilities/traditions every 10 levels works off adventuring or tradeskill level, whichever is higher. (So, if you are a level 80 crafter, but only a level 20 adventurer, you get to choose eight traditions, instead of 2.)

The tradition options will be broken into the following categories, and you can mix & match at will to customize your character: Attribute, Combat, Noncombat, Pools (health/power), Resist, Tradeskill. Of course, since this is a tradeskill site, we will only cover the tradeskill abilities. If you wish a complete breakdown of all racial abilities, Zam has a compilation of them.

  • Aerakyn: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +2 durability, 10% power reduction on sage arts
  • Arasai: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +5 artificing skill, +5 transmuting skill, 10% power reduction on woodworker arts
  • Barbarian: +1% durability and success chance, +2 durability every round, +5 artistry skill, +5 chemistry skill, +5 sculpting skill
  • Dark Elf: +2% progress, +2% success chance, alchemist: +2 durability every round, 10% power reduction on sage arts, +5 metal shaping skill
  • Dwarf: +1% durability & success chance, +2 durability every round, +5 artistry skill, weaponsmith +2 durability every round, 10% power reduction on sage arts
  • Erudite: +2% success chance, +2 durability every round, +2 sage durability every round, +5 chemistry skill, 10% reduction on tinkering power costs
  • Fae: 2% progress, 2% progress, +5 fletching, +2 durability, 10% power reduction on tailor arts
  • Freeblook: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +2 durability every round on alchemist, 10% power reduction on alchemist arts, +5 to all tradeskills
  • Froglok: +1 durability & success chance, +2 durability every round, 10% power reduction on armorer arts, weaponsmith +2 durability every round, +5 scribing skill
  • Gnome: +2% success chance, +2% progress, 10% reduction on weaponsmith power costs, +2 durability on alchemy every round, +5 sculpting skill. In addition, gnomes get the following as innate abilities (automagically granted): 25% power reduction on tinkering skill power cost, +10 tinkering skill
  • Halfling: +2 durability every round, 2% progress increase, 10% less power needed on tailoring reaction arts, 5% increase in success chance for provisioner, +5 Artificing skill
  • Half Elf: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +5 artificing skill, +2 durability/round on woodworker, +5 sculpting skill
  • High Elf: +2% success chance, +2 durability each round, +5 scribing skill, +5 artificing skill, 10% reduction in tailor reaction art power costs
  • Human: +2% success chance increase, +2% progress increase, +2 durability each round with tailoring; chemistry/metalworking/artificing/sculpting/tailoring/scribing/artistry/fletching/metal shaping all +5 to skill; transmuting +5 to skill
  • Iksar: +1 to success chance & durability, +2% success chance increase, +5 to chemistry skill, 10% reduction in tailoring power cost, 10% reduction in armorer power cost
  • Kerra: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +10% power reduction on alchemy reaction arts, +5 fletching skill, +5 tailoring
  • Ogre: +1 to success chance & durability, +2 durability gain every round, +5 metal shaping skill, +10% power reduction for weaponsmith arts, +10% power reduction for provisioner arts
  • Ratonga: +2% success chance, +2% progress, +5 metalworking skill, +10% power reduction for alchemy arts, +5 sculpting skill
  • Sarnak: +1% to success chance & durability, +2 durability every round, 10% power reduction in weaponsmith arts, +5 sculpting skill, +10% power reduction in sage reaction arts
  • Troll: +2 durability every round, +1% to success chance & durability, +5 artistry skill, +2% success chance for armorer, +5 artificing skill
  • Wood Elf: 10% power reduction on woodworking arts, +2% success chance for tailor, 10% power reduction on jeweler arts, +2% progress, +2 durability every round

That is a lot of information to wade through, so let me break it down in a few different ways for you:

Generic Plusses

+ Success Chance + Durability + Progress Durability/Success*
Aerakyn 2% 2% 2%
Arasai 2% 2%
Barbarian +2/round 1/1
Dark Elf 2% 2%
Dwarf +2/round +2/round 1/1
Erudite 2% +2/round
Fae +2/round 2%,2%
Freeblood 2% � 2%
Froglok +2/round 1/1
Gnome 2% 2%
Halfling +2/round 2%
Half Elf 2% 2%
High Elf 2% +2/round
Human 2% 2%
Iksar 2% 1/1
Kerra 2% 2%
Ogre +2/round � � 1/1
Ratonga 2% 2%
Sarnak +2/round 1/1
Troll +2/round 1/1
Wood Elf +2/round 2%
*This field is for a single tradition that affects both, as opposed to separately-bought durability and success chance traditions

Power Cost Reduction on Class Reaction Arts

Alchemist Armorer Carpenter Jeweler Provisioner Sage Tailor Weaponsmith Woodworker Transmuting Tinkering
Aerakyn 10%
Arasai 10%
Dark Elf 10%
Dwarf 10%
Erudite 10%
Fae 10%
Freeblood 10%
Froglok 10%
Gnome 10% 25% (innate)
Halfling 10%
Half Elf
High Elf 10%
Iksar 10% 10%
Kerra 10%
Ogre 10% 10%
Ratonga 10%
Sarnak 10% 10%
Wood Elf 10% 10%
(Currently, gnome has a power cost reduction for weaponsmith reaction arts, but the percentage was not listed)

Plus to Base Skill

Alchemist Armorer Carpenter Jeweler Provisioner Sage Tailor Weaponsmith Woodworker Transmuting Tinkering
Arasai +5 +5
Barbarian +5 +5 +5
Dark Elf +5
Dwarf +5
Erudite +5
Fae +5
Freeblod +5 +5 +5 +5� +5� +5� +5� +5� +5 +5� +5�
Froglok +5
Gnome +5 +10 (innate)
Halfling +5
Half Elf +5 +5
High Elf +5 +5
Human +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5
Iksar +5
Kerra +5 +5
Ogre +5
Ratonga +5 +5
Sarnak +5
Troll +5 +5
Wood Elf

Other Class-Based Plusses

Alchemist Armorer Carpenter Jeweler Provisioner Sage Tailor Weaponsmith Woodworker
Dark Elf +2 durability/round
Dwarf +2 durability/round
Erudite +2 durability/round
Freeblood +2 durability/round
Froglok +2 durability/round
Gnome +2 durability/round
Halfling 5% success chance
Half Elf +2 durability/round
High Elf
Human +2 durability/round
Troll 2% success chance
Wood Elf 2% success chance ��

Created: 2009-09-01 02:09:41          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2015-08-25 01:02:43          

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