EQ Traders Corner

Mum's Guide to Crafter Mounts

"Ride a crafter pony, let the spinning wheel spin ..."

~Anonymous Norrathian Bard

Late June of 2011 saw sweeping changes to ground mount speed, as well as the addition of leaper and glider mounts. Due to these changes, it seemed a good time to start tracking the various crafter-specific mounts, and how to obtain them. Note that the crafter mounts listed below have equip level requirements based on your crafting level, not your adventuring level. (Or, in the case of the tinkered mounts, they have tinkering level requirements.)


There are several mounts for which crafters can quest, all with crafting level requirements. All of these can be turned into house items.

Faction Purchases

Koros Splinterlimb in the Isle of Mara sells mounts to crafters that require coin, Far Seas Supply Division (FSSD) tokens, and certain minimum faction rankings with the FSSD. The ground mounts are level 1 crafter, lore and no-trade. (The level is misleading, since you cannot get the faction needed as a level 1 artisan.) The pack pegasus requires level 85. All of these can be turned into house items.

  • Appaloosa Pack Horse: 130% ground speed; fishing, trapping, mining, foresting, gathering & transmuting increased by 14.3. Requires 20K FSSD faction, 5 FSSD tokens, and 3p 68g 64s.
  • Hillrunner Pack Horse: 130% ground speed; fishing, trapping, mining, foresting, gathering & transmuting increased by 23.8. Requires 30K FSSD faction, 5 FSSD tokens, and 3p 68g 64s.
  • Palomino Pack Horse: 130% ground speed; fishing, trapping, mining, foresting, gathering & transmuting increased by 23.8. Requires 30K FSSD faction, 5 FSSD tokens, and 3p 68g 64s.
  • Pack Unicorn: 130% ground speed; fishing, trapping, mining, foresting, gathering & transmuting increased by 47.5. Requires 40K FSSD faction, 10 FSSD tokens, and 3p 68g 64s.
  • Far Seas Pack Pegasus: 75% ground speed, 150% air speed; fishing, trapping, mining, foresting, gathering & transmuting increased by 80. Requires 40K FSSD faction, 100 FSSD tokens and 20(?) p. (I don't remember the plat cost, will try to update later)


Tinkerers can craft tinkerer-only mounts. The hotwired gnomish hoverpad (pictured above) can be turned into a house item.

  • Gnomish Hovering Device - 10 charges of a tinkered 130% grounds speed cloud mount, requires tinkering 230 to use
  • Overclocked Gnomish Hovering Device - 10 charges, each lasting 1 day, of a tinkered 130% ground speed cloud mount, requires tinkering 300 to use. Also reduces max falling speed (requires 6 rare acrylia, with up to 3 returned as byproduct)
  • Hotwired Gnomish Hoverpad - permanent 130% ground speed hoverpad mount, requires tinkering 400 to use. Also reduces max falling speed. (Requires 4 rare brellium ore, none returned as byproduct.)

Created: 2011-06-25 07:37:22          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2013-11-29 01:10:55          

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