EQ Traders Corner

Rare Useage Chart

Folks often have a hard time figuring out what can be done with any specific rare, especially since there is not always consistency from tier to tier. The below chart should provide you with a handy reference guide.
Tier gem soft metal ore wood roots hide imbue loam dust*
1 rough lapis lazuli: jewelry; priest experts copper cluster: 2 pieces of jewelry, mage experts bronze cluster: weapons, furniture, chain & plate armor, tower & kite shield severed alder: wooden weapons, furniture, strongbox, round shield, buckler yarrow: cloth armor, furniture waxed leather: backpack, leather armor, ranged/ammo containers^ (none) solidified: fighter & scout experts flickering: rare potions/poisons
2 rough coral: priest experts, caster-oriented jewelry silver cluster: mage experts, tank-oriented jewelry blackened iron cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, furniture, tower & kite shield, (ranged) tablet severed bone: wooden weapons, round shield/buckler, furniture, strongbox sisal root: cloth armor, hex dolls, belt, scarf, furniture cured leather: leather armor, backpack,belt, ranged/ammo containers^ glowing: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings alkaline: fighter & scout experts shimmering: rare potions/poisons
3 rough jasper: priest experts, jewelry palladium cluster: mage experts, jewelry (including palladium bangle for A Strange Black Rock heritage) steel cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, furniture severed fir: wooden weapons, shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates dandelion fiber: cloth armor, hex dolls, scarf, furniture cuirboilli leather: leather armor, backpack, belt, ranged/ammo containers^ sparkling: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings malleable: fighter & scout experts sparkling: rare potions/poisons
4 rough opal: priest experts, jewelry ruthenium cluster: mage experts, jewelry feysteel cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, furniture, tower/kite shields severed oak: wooden weapons, shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates oak root: cloth armor, hex dolls, belt, furniture engraved leather: leather armor, backpack, belt, ranged/ammo containers^ glimmering: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings ductile: fighter & scout experts glimmering: rare potions/poisons
5 rough ruby: priest experts, jewelry rhodium cluster: mage experts, jewelry ebon cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, tower & kite shields, furniture, BBC heritage severed cedar: wooden weapons, round shield & buckler, furniture, strongbox, sales crates figwarts root: cloth armor, hex dolls, belt, scarf, furniture augmented leather: leather armor, backpack, belt, ranged/ammo containers^ luminous: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings fused: fighter & scout experts luminous: rare potions/poisons
6 rough pearl: priest experts, caster jewelry, funiture vanadium cluster: mage experts, tank jewelry, furniture (vase) cobalt cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, tower & kite shields, furniture severed ironwood: wooden weapons, shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates saguaro roots: cloth armor, hex dolls, belt, scarf, furniture (2 rugs) scaled leather: leather armor, backpack, hand-to-hand weapons, belt, ranged/ammo containers^ lambent: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings alkalai: fighter & scout experts lambent: rare potions/poisons
7 rough moonstone: priest experts, caster jewelry, furniture acrylia cluster: mage experts, tank jewelry, furniture xegonite cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor, furniture, metal shields rough lumbered ebony: wooden weapons, shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates nimbus roots: cloth armor, hex dolls, belt, scarf, furniture (1 rug) dragonhide pelt: leather armor, backpack, hand-to-hand weapons, belt, ranged containers^ scintillating: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings spongy: fighter & scout experts scintillating: rare potions/poisons
8 rough fire emerald: priest experts, caster jewelry, furniture tynnonium cluster: mage experts, tank jewelry, furniture incarnadine cluster: weapons, chain/plate armor (including level 80 BG sets), furniture, metal shields mahogany lumber: wooden weapons, shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates mantrap root: cloth armor (including level 80 BG sets), hex dolls, cloak, belt, scarf, furniture (1 rug) hidebound pelt: leather armor (including level 80 BG sets), backpack, belt, ranged containers^ smoldering: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings, short-duration adornments silicate: fighter & scout experts smoldering: rare potions/poisons
9 ulteran diamond: priest experts, scout experts, jewelry** kaborite cluster: mage experts, fighter experts, jewelry**, furniture** brellium ore: weapons, chain/plate armor (including level 90 BG sets), metal shields, jewelry, furniture, tinkered items (harvest depot, overclocked gnomish hoverpad, wormhole generators) eucalyptus lumber: wooden weapons & shields, furniture, strongbox, sales crates toxnettle root: cloth armor (including level 90 BG set), hex dolls, cloaks, furniture (including faction recipes), jewelry** spotted pelt: leather armor (including level 90 BG sets), backpack, ranged containers^, kerra casual wear ethereal: weapons, chest/legs of armor, shields, hex dolls, rings, short-duration adornments NONE! ethereal: rare potions/poisons
10^^ black star sapphire: priest experts, scout experts osmium cluster: mage experts, fighter experts tungsten ore: weapons, chain/plate armor, metal shield, jewelry, furniture bubinga lumber: wooden weapons & shields, furniture banyan root: cloth armor, furniture (1 rug) metallic reptile hide: leather armor, backpack, belt, ranged containers^ effulgent: weapons NONE! effulgent: rare potions/poisons

* = dust is a byproduct of making Expert spells, skills & combat arts
**=only used for special faction recipes, not normal mastercrafted in-tier
^ = ranged/ammo containers: quiver and ammo sack as well as bandolier, sheath, pouch, satchel
^^this is only a partial tier, so normal recipe progression is not even close to complete. You will note many items don't yet exist that are listed in other tiers (strongboxes, hex dolls and more)

Created: 2006-05-09 04:47:04          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2012-05-02 11:26:57          

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