EQ Traders Corner

February 06, 2025 - Erollisi Day is Upon Us!

The annual celebration honoring the goddess of love, Erollisi Marr, is now upon us! Check out the Erollisi Day writeup for more details.

Created By: Niami Denmother          

December 03, 2024 - Frostfell!

Well, I finished the article before the event started, at least. Without further ado, I present you with the Frostfell 2024 preview. The event will launch with the patch on Dec. 3 due to a few bits and bobs (like the giant Frostfell trees in Qeynos and Freeport) needing a patch in order to activate.

Created By: Niami Denmother          

December 01, 2024 - Scars of Destruction Overview

I am still low energy and recovering, so I do not have much for you yet. However, Fading has done a lovely overview of the expansion in general to tide you over until I can stream the crafting line (maybe later today, maybe tomorrow) and put together a small Frostfell preview.

Created By: Niami Denmother          

November 20, 2024 - Scars of Destruction!

Expansion launch day has arrived! I have been so insanely busy with work and real life that I have had next-to-no time to work on an expansion preview this year. I DO have a few things for you, just not as massive a writeup as usual due to the distractions of medical mayhem on top of work.

First is an unscheduled twitch stream from last night that shows off carpenter furniture, tradeskill researcher furniture, the new house, and a bit of Frostfell goodies.

The wonderful Whilhelmina from the French-language EQ2 Artisans is a goddess among women. I am just throwing that out there. I wrote the frissen frassen quests, and didn't have enough energy left to actually turn that into a coherent walkthrough. She wrote not only a French language version of the quest for her own site, but then translated the walk-through, threw it into a file for me, dropped all the images on me, etc. While it still took time to format it to work with the unfriendly site requirements, it took WAY less time than it would to write the article from scratch, and ensured you would have a signature quest walk-through today. Merci beaucoup, Whilhelmina!!

Last is a gallery of the Scars of Destruction Carpenter furniture. This is very much in-progress, and I may/may not be able to finish it before I leave for my surgery today. I am linking it in and continuing to work on it until the last moment. If you see 24 mastercrafted images, then I finished before I left. Otherwise, I'll leave a note saying that the rest are pending in a few days once I am back home and feeling up to sitting at the computer for a while.

Created By: Niami Denmother          

November 08, 2024 - Happy Anniversary and More!

EverQuest II turns 20 years old in a few hours, and along with that date comes the release of another annual Heroes' Festival Celebration.

Additionally, the launch date for the Scars of Destruction expansion has been announced as November 20, so you now have just under 2 weeks to participate in the beta if you wish to earn the beta testing rewards.

Created By: Niami Denmother          

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