This incredibly useful post was made by Zhevally of Maj'Dul and is used with the author's permission.
How to maximize rare harvest chance:
Seasoned Harvesting -- 5% rare harvest, AA in Tradeskill Prestige tree(top left), also gives track harvestables
Trim Reaver -- 1% rare harvest, AA in tradeskill(bottom left)
Far Seas Harvest Technique -- 1% rare harvest, AA under Far Seas tab in Tradeskill Prestige(top ability)
Girdle of the Vigilant -- 5% rare harvest(also 35 harvest skills)[belt], comes from Piercing the Darkness: Carving a Legacy quest (pre-quest to BOL tradskill timeline)
Potion of Bountiful Harvests -- 2% rare harvest(potion lasts 6 hours), comes from personal researcher daily quests
Recuso Specialized Reconnaissance Helmet -- 20.8% rare harvest(also 35 harvest skills, 8 shadow prospecting)[helm], purchased off merchant Gwennie in Fordel Midst with currency from ROS harvesting missions
Mount gear:
Void Etched Saddle of Harvesting -- 16.5% rare harvest, pattern drops off the harvesting missions
Shadowscream Saddle of Harvest - 13.4% rare harvest, use until you get a void-etched one, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide
Void Etched Hackamore of Harvesting -- 13.7% rare harvest, pattern drops off harvesting missions
Shadowscream Hackamore of Harvesting -- 11.2% rare harvest, use until you get a void-etched one, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide
Finder's Stirups -- 11.2% rare harvest, came in the mount gear crate with premium ROS xpac
Little Bit of Barding -- 3.9% rare harvest, came in mount gear crate with premium chaos descending xpac
Gaggelu Pearwood, 14% rare harvest at max level(also 70 harvest skills), comes from A Stitch in Time Part V: Sealed with Hate quest (POP crafting timeline)
Mischievous Beasty, 14% rare harvest at max level(also 70 harvest skills), comes from Mischief Managed: Duty and the Beast quest(Mischief and Mayhem crafting timeline)
How to maximize bountiful harvest:
Ample Harvest-- 15% bountiful harvest, AA in Tradeskill(top left)
Compact Sumac Harvesting Kit -- 12% bountiful harvest, crafted item(buy off broker) and set to autoconsume
Gi of the Ashen Artisan -- 12% bountiful harvest[chest], crafted item(buy off broker)
Voidfarer/Shrouded Artisan's Expertise -- 10% bountiful harvest, from premium BOL/ROS xpac(clickie that lasts a day)
Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl--27% bountiful harvest[neck], from quest What Dreams May Come
Mark of the Far Seas -- 10% bountiful harvest[ring] plus 10 harvest skills, from quest Return to Refuge(AOM tradeskill timeline)
Shroud of Hidden Harvests -- 1% bountiful harvest[cloak], from quest Totemic Reinforcement(Withered Lands tradeskill timeline)
Empyral Nail of Harvests -- 9.4% bountiful harvest which can go in chest, legs, feet; charged recipe from overseers(also can be bought off broker)
Acrylia Nail of Harvests -- 7.9 bountiful harvest which can go in chest, legs, feet; can be crafted in any quantity
Harvester's Balm -- 3% bountiful harvest in potion that lasts 1 hour, crafted from amalgamations(or bought on broker)
(You) can wear up to 5 of the nails. There is no benefit to having more than 100% bountiful, so use as few nails as possible to get there. You will need either the Mark of the Far Seas, the Prayer Shawl, or the Shroud to cap it, otherwise you can reach 99%. (Ideally do not use the Shroud because you can get more harvest skills out of that slot)
How to maximize shadow prospecting:
Once you do the ROS tradeskill line you can skill up to 50 from harvesting.
Shadewrought Barding -- 10 Shadow Prospecting, came in the mount gear crate with premium ROS xpac
Shadowscream Shoes of Prospecting -- 12 Shadow Prospecting, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide
Shadowscream Reins of Prospecting -- 12 Shadow Prospecting, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide
Shadowscream Breeching of Prospecting -- 12 Shadow Prospecting, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide
Shadowscream Stirrups of Prospecting -- 12 Shadow Prospecting, craftable with a Lustrous Rockhopper Hide (If you wanted to maximize your chance at getting a Shadow Balanzite Crystal, you shoud wear this when trying to get a glass orb for shadow harvesting, but when shadow harvesting should use the rare harvest stirrups if you have them)
How to maximize harvest skills:
Experienced Reaping -- 50 harvest skills, AA under Far Seas Tab in Tradeskill Prestige(endline on far right)
Overclocked Automated Combine Harvester -- 13 harvest skills, crafted item which can be bought off broker
Overclocked Automated Watersafe Net --10 Fishing and Trapping, crafted item which can be bought off broker
Overclocked Automated Pickaxe -- 20 mining, crafted item which can be bought off broker
Brightfire, Essence of Arcanna'se -- 80 harvest skills(mount), only worth using if leveled
Far Seas Pack Pegasus -- 80 harvest skills(mount), only worth using if leveled
Empyral Nail of Harvesting -- 22 harvest skills which can go in any slot, charged recipe that comes from overseer quests
Acrylia Nail of Harvesting -- 19 Harvest skills which can go in any slot, can be crafted in any quantity
Shadowed Staff of Luclin, 25 Harvesting skills(2-hander), from Piercing the Darkness: Message in a Shadowed Bottle Part III (BOL tradeskill timeline)
Earring of the Solstice, 25 harvesting skills when activated, from The Proof of the Pudding quest (note it is on the activated effect so you do not need to wear it, use two white adorn slot gear instead)
Cloak of the Harvester, 25 harvesting skills, comes from A Gathering Obsession, Final Errand quest
You can get gear with two white adorn slots through either running high keep contested(or other TOV zones), buying it off the broker(will be level 92-95 stuff, excluding some of the 95 stuff), or the loyalty merchant in your city sells gear some of which has two white adorn slots.
This will allow you to double up on nails in any slot you are not using another piece of crafting gear(which should maximally be cloak, chest, neck, 1 ring, and weapon).
If you did the Chaos Descending Timeline, you can craft Masque de Lorme, a helm with 4 white adorn slots (only do this if you can't use the Recuso Helmet).
Harvesting speed:
Doing the Kunark Ascending Growf quests, your gathering goblin(in Tradeskill prestige AAs) will lower the base harvest time 1.5 seconds, which means with the other reductions your harvest time will be .75 seconds.
The Gi of the Ashen Artisan, sumac harvesting kit, and overclocked automated combine harvester all reduce harvest time by .5 seconds. If you do not have the Growf quests done, your harvest time will be 1.5 seconds.
Notes on getting Shadow Balanzite Crystals and Glass Orbs of Swirling Shadows:
According the Gninja your harvest skills affect the chance of getting the Glass Orbs. However he said he is unsure what the cap is on this (i.e., at what point having more skills no longer helps). He has also stated that harvest skills do not affect the drop chance of the crystals.
Additionally, he has stated that shadow harvesting affects only your chance at the Orbs and does not affect your chance at the crystal. Rare harvest chance does affect your chance of getting the crystal.
When shadow harvesting, try to find an area with a bunch of nodes close together. It is worth continuing to normal harvest until you find a good area or get a second orb. With my harvest time at .75 seconds most of the time I can get 6 nodes in the 30 seconds.
Created: 2021-03-05 08:36:57
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2021-03-05 08:36:57
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