The pandamonium has begun once again, as the 6th annual "Days of Summer" event kicks off. For nine weeks, starting after the patch on September 27, 2022, one quest a week will unlock on Mei Lan near the wizard spires in the Sundered Frontier. (All other quests will unlock at 12:01 a.m. Pacific each Tuesday, but the first one happens with a patch.) The quests can be completed any time after they unlock, and will be permanent additions to the game, so if you don't get to them for a few weeks/months/etc., you can do them all in a bunch later.
In order to do the new 2022 quests, you will need to have completed all the previous Days of Summer quests on that account:
The unlock flag is account-wide, so you only need to do this questline once per account.
Before I get too deeply into the quest and reward information, I also want to remind folks that the non-housing items (adventuring gear, adornments) are only visible if you are the appropriate level, so you won't see the newest gear on Pas Yu unless you are level 125. Furniture bundles and so forth should be visible at any level, once you complete the associated quest.
One thing to be aware of when doing these quests currently is that the Catalog Creature ability is having issues with one or more effects on some gear items, and is causing unintentional issues with mob aggro when cataloging. While a ticket has been submitted to fix this issue, I have been informed that it might not be able to be fixed for a couple months due to expansion crunch priorities.
The Quests
Mei Lan would like to learn more about the creatures in Kunark, so that she may pass this information on to young hua mein. Gather enough information for her, and she may even turn it into a book!
This section will be updated weekly to cover each quest as it is released.
Week One (available starting Sep. 27, 2022): Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Around the Landing
Mei Lan would like additional information regarding some of the creatures located around Dreg's Landing in the Kylong Plains. The catalog creature ability will be located in your knowledge book, and can be used to catalog the desired creatures. All should be easy to find.
- Catalog a drachnid enthraller
- Catalog a drachnid bloodknight
- Catalog a hulking brute
- Catalog a drolvarg gnasher
- Catalog a drolvarg rager
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 1 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 2 (available starting Oct. 4, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Central Kylong
Now it is time to delve a bit more deeply into the Kylong Plains and catalog the following creatures for Mei Lan:
- Catalog a tundra beast
- Catalog a flesh feeder
- Catalog a flesh fiend
- Catalog a tatterback
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 2 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
The tundra beasts are the yetis between Dreg's Landing and Teren's Grasp. The others are in/around the Gash of T'helin.
Week 3 (available starting Oct. 11, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Deeper Into Kylong
Mei Lan would like you to go back into Kylong Plains for a third time and catalog the following creatures:
- Catalog an ember worker
- Catalog an ember soldier
- Catalog an arbor giant
- Catalog a broken toe shaman
- Catalog a broken toe raider
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 3 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 4 (available starting Oct. 18, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Focusing on Fens
Mei Lan would like you to head to the Fens of Nathsar and catalog the following creatures:
- Catalog a Yha-lei hydromancer
- Catalog a Yha-lei mindbender
- Catalog a Nathsarian frog-biter
- Catalog a wild sokokar
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 4 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 5 (available starting Oct. 25 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Not the Panda!
Mei Lan would like you to head back to the Fens of Nathsar and catalog the following creatures (hint, there are still no pandas!):
- Catalog a Nurgan tinkersmasher near Nurga
- Catalog a Nurgan tentwatcher near Nurga
- Catalog a Bellywhumper cursecleaner (really, they're badgers, not pandas! :D)
- Catalog a wretched Cabilisian trooper
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 5 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 6 (available starting Nov. 1, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Still Not a Panda!
Mei Lan would like you to head Kunzar Jungle and catalog the following creatures (hint, there are still no pandas!):
- Catalog a vespid hornet near Jinisk
- Catalog a jade construct in the City of Mist area
- Catalog an iron construct in the City of Mist area
- Catalog a Rubble-rabble detector below the plateau that the druid rings are on
- Catalog a Rubble-rabble burrower (in the same area)
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 6 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 7 (available starting Nov. 8, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Killers in Kunzar
Mei Lan would like you to head back to Kunzar Jungle and catalog the following creatures:
- Catalog a trakaraptor
- Catalog a sebilite guardian
- Catalog a massive juggernaut (before patch)/catalog a dragon drool leech (after patch)
- Catalog a sporconid redcap
- Catalog a sporconid cultivator
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 7 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
Week 8 (available starting Nov. 15, 2022) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Scouting Skyfire
Mei Lan would like you to head to Jarsath Wastes and catalog the following creatures in the Skyfire Mountains area:
- Catalog a skyshadow drake
- Catalog an ancient skyfire wurm
- Catalog an elder skyfire wurm
- Catalog a gnashing devourer
Return to Mei Lan to complete the quest and to unlock the week 8 rewards from the merchant, Pas Yu.
The House Items
As usual, I am not going to cover the gear, adornments and the like, but here are the items that you will find in the nine weeks of housing bundle packs:
Packs are one per character. Items within the packs are heirloom and 1 each unless specifically mentioned below:
Ember Worker Plushie Week 1
Female Drachnid Plushie Week 1
Male Drachnid Plushie Week 1
Ornamental Basket Week 2 (quantity 2)
Ornamental Serving Bowl Week 2 (quantity 2)
Felwithe Falling Star Banner Week 3
Felwithe Paladin Banner Week 3
Felwithe Podium Week 3
Yha-Lei Scout Plushie Week 4
Drolvarg Priest Plushie Week 4
Drolvarg Warrior Plushie Week 4
Felwithe Apothecary Chest Week 5
Felwithe Bookcase Week 5 (quantity 2)
Felwithe Long Bench Week 5
Felwithe Vase Week 6 (quantity 2)
Long Ornate Felwithe Bench Week 6
Ornate Felwithe Bench Week 6
Kunark Goblin Shaman Plushie Week 7
Kunark Goblin Warrior Plushie Week 7
Yha-Lei Warrior Plushie Week 7
Curved Felwithe Bench Week 8
Felwithe Candle Week 8 (quantity 2)
Felwithe Wine Table Week 8
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Vol. 1 Week 9
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Vol. 2 Week 9
Created: 2022-09-27 05:14:04
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2022-11-16 05:24:21
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