EverQuestII's twenty-first expansion, Scars of Destruction, goes live on November 20, 2024. There is no great big preview of all things crafting due to that Real Life thing, but here is the Carpenter Furniture, and there is a Scars of Destruction Tradeskill signature line writeup from Whilhelmina as well.
Handcrafted Furniture
These recipes come in three Primer recipe books from recipe vendors.
Archipelago Aloe
Archipelago Crates
Archipelago Pitcher Plant
Bark Bridge
Bark Corridor
Black Rock Slab
Blackhook Anvil
Blackhook Boulder
Blackhook Furnace Grate
Blackhook Kaborite Bin
Blackhook Ore Bin
Blooming Desert Plant
Blooming Vineplant
Blue Bird of Paradise
Cluster of Blooming Vineplants
Crypt Wall Ferns
Desert Bush
Fancy Goblin Tent*
Flat Topped Black Rock
Green Bird of Paradise
Hanging Glows
Kappa Rock Platform
Kromzek Weapon Rack
Large Bunch of Palm Plant Fronds
Leafy Vine
Leafy Vine Clump
Mossy Gray Rock
Mossy Rock Platform
Narrow Hanging Roots
Orcish Smithing Hammer
Palm Plant Fronds
Pointed Orcish Smithing Hammer
| Purple Bird of Paradise
Racked Archipelago Barrels
| Rough Dock Stool
| Rough Dock Table
Round Mandoko Pillow
| Simple Goblin Tent*
Simple Swamp Grass
Single Blue Vinetree
Single Orange Vinetree
Single Purple Vinetree
Slatted Wooden Dock Table
| Small Blue Sphere Plant
| Small Glowing Sphere Plant
Small Maroon Sphere Plant
| Small Sphere Plant
| Smith's Angled Tongs
Smith's Crimping Tongs
| Smith's Tongs
| Snowy Black Rock Slab
Sweet Hanging Moss
Tan Tumbleweed
Weedy Swamp Grass
*What is the main difference between the "fancy" and the "simple" goblin tent? The fancy has 4 posts and the simple has 2. In goblin terms, that one with more supports makes it fancy. :D
Mastercrafted Recipes
In addition to being drops, these recipes can be found on the Tradeskill Researcher NPC in the Sodden Archipelago, in the same building that houses Ameela, the TS quest NPC. The tradeskill researcher unlocks for your entire account as soon as one of you completes the entire tradeskill signature line for the expansion.
Archipelago Gazebo Floor
Archipelago Wall Lamp
Bark Tunnel
Blackhook Smith's Stool
Blackhook Smith's Table
Blackhook Wheelbarrow
Blue Sphere Plant Grouping
Campfire and Spit
Crematorium Column
Draconic Crypt Dais
Elaborate Draconic Bowl
Embellished Dragon Claw
Finished Dock Stool
Finished Dock Table
Glowing Sphere Plant Grouping
Maroon Sphere Plant Grouping
Medium Kaborite Crystal
Oblong Mandoko Pillow
Open Prisoner Cage
Ornate Orcish Furnace
Rectangular Blackhook Crate
Short Kaborite Crystal
| Sphere Plant Grouping
Tall Dock Stool
Created: 2024-11-20 04:07:26
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2024-11-20 05:32:56
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