Welcome to the information clearinghouse for the Sentinel's Fate expansion! There is a lot going on with this expansion, and to prevent information overload, it will be broken down into manageable chunks. As various sections are fleshed out, links to more detailed documents will be dropped into place, and the very bottom of this page will contain a master list of links added (making it easier for you to see when something new has been added).
For a quick appetizer with some eye-candy that includes the new tinkered hoverpad, you might want to start out with my tongue-in-cheek press tour "The Other Eight Lives of Mreean Prrtan"
Expect more details in the next hour or two!
Disclaimers & Details
As you read through this information, please remember that as this goes to press, the Sentinel's Fate expansion is currently in beta testing. This means that details can/will change without warning. While I will do my best to update any information that changes, there is only so much that a single person can track. I apologize in advance for anything that I miss.
This expansion will go live ("pre-launch") for retail pre-orders and Fan Faire attendees on February 16, 2010. The digital download version will be available on February 23, 2010. The expansion contains level 80 and higher content for both adventurers and crafters, and level caps for both will be raised to level 90.
Things To Note in Advance
While much of the information presented will be less time-sensitive, there are a couple things that you might want to know right away.
Enigmas for Adornments - any of the non-transmuter Enigma books (Enigma of the Carpenter, etc.) are going to be rendered useless once the expansion hits. Save your coin, and vendor the ones you get as drops.
Adornments in General - If you are particularly attatched to a specific adornment, you may wish to ask in the forums if a) there is an expansion equivalent, and/or b) if the adornment converts over happily. While every effort has been made to ensure that things converted over properly, some of the changes to stats, crits, etc. may make it impossible for some of the more exotic adornments to transfer properly. (Adornment tweaking is not yet complete on beta, so a full new adornment list is going to have to wait.) More on transmuting and adorning "soon", along with everything else.
Stat Changes - There are a lot of stat/crit/combat changes in store, and there's no way I could research it all and still cover all the crafting stuff. For now, know that folks may start looking for different stats on crafted gear (and some crafted gear sets are being tweaked accordingly), and that some may be stockpiling gear jewelry, adorns, etc. in advance. In a nutshell, each class will have ONE stat that impacts their spells, heals, combat arts, poison damage, etc., instead of the old "INT for spells & poison, STR for this" etc.
- Tanks (including hybrids) - STR for your damage, STR for your power, etc (no secondary for paladins/SKs)
- Priests - WIS for your heals, power and spell damage (no longer INT for blasting). At last check, INT will still be used for crit mitigation for priests, however
- Scouts - AGI for power, combat arts and poison (instead of INT for poisons)
- Mages - INT, INT and more INT. No surprise there!
- STA will continue to be used by all classes for health, AGI for avoidance, and WIS for resists
Questions or concerns on the above? Hit up the forums and drop a question. Those who have been in the beta can now talk to you and answer your questions. :D
Crafting-Related Highlights
Quests, Quests and More Quests!
There is a considerable amount of crafting quest experience to be had for the level 80+ crowd, in a massive questline that: a) helps you earn crafting xp for something other than grinding, b) gives you a significant storyline filled with local flavor and lore, and c) earns you faction with several areas with importance to crafters and adventurers alike.
The SF Crafting Questline can be found here.
Recipes Galore!
On top of the recipes for an entire new tier of items, there are additional recipes in the form of class-specific faction recipes, as well as one kerra faction recipe book for all crafting classes (lovely bolts of cloth, shown below).
Further recipe information will be in the class-by-class breakdown that will be, yep, added as time goes on.
Double Your Secondaries!
With this expansion, you will be able to learn both adorning and tinkering on the same alt. Yayyy!
Transmuting vs Adorning
There was quite a bit of discussion on the SOE forums over the last several months regarding plans to change transmuting. Those changes will be arriving with the expansion.
Anyone can learn to transmute (break down items for adornment materials), and it will be treated like a harvesting skill as far as level caps and the like. You will be able to break down grey con items for skillups! (So a person with a 400 transmuting skill will be able to break down a level 1 Adept, and still have a small chance at a skillup.) Please remember that if you are currently at the level cap of 400, you won't see any skillups until after you hit level 81 in either adventuring or crafting.
Anyone who is already a transmuter will find that they have that skill in both transmuting and adorning. (A 200 transmuter will become a 200 adorner with a 200 transmuting skill.) Adorning will be the actual act of making adornments, and you will gain skill increases from making any adornments (including grey con items).
Currently existing adornment recipes will go away, though any adornments you have already made should still exist. Totally new adornment recipes have been added, that will be available to those who have trained in adorning.
It should be noted that any current transmuter who has scribed transmuting recipes will convert over to having the corresponding adornment book scribed. (So if you have scribed the tier 1 through tier 8 common and rare enigma of transmuting books, you should have the tier 1 through tier 8 common and rare adornment recipes in your book.)
If this doesn't make sense, please ask in the forums and I'll try to clarify a bit more when less overwhelmed with information overload. :D Meanwhile, more on the actual adornments will follow once they have been finalized on beta and I can poke at them with a sharp stick. (We're still waiting on fixes, changes, etc.)
A quick look at the new Transmuting & Adorning can now be found here. For a listing of what adornments will be available check out this forum thread.
Faction Action
During your romp through the above-mentioned questline, you will not only earn a small bit of Far Seas Supply Division faction, but you will be introduced to four new areas, each with their own factions. While three of the factions each lean towards a specific subclass of crafter (craftsman, outfitter, scholar), all four areas have faction items (mostly furniture) that will have a more widespread appeal. In addition, there have been some changes/additions to the Far Seas Supply Division faction vendor - check them out here.
Paineel: The main hub for the new expansion, it contains a full crafting area, daily crafting task NPC (once you've finished the questline) and fuel vendors in the same area that houses the broker, the banker and the faction merchant. There is quite a bit of lovely faction furniture to be had! (Check out the Paineel Faction Furniture here.
Kerra Isle: While more outfitter-oriented (including the outfitter faction recipes), there's also a lot of lovely faction furniture to be had, as well as an all-class faction recipe for bolts of cloth for your home. As with the other areas, there is a daily crafting task NPC, but be aware that some of her daily tasks can only be completed by outfitters. (Check out the Kerra Isle Faction Furniture here. (edit: fixed the link!)
Hua'Mein Village: This home of the hua'mein (pandas) is more for the craftsmen than the other classes, with craftsmen-specific faction recipes. However, there is also a lot of lovely faction furniture to be had, as well as panda illusion items to buy, for those who work up their faction. Again, the daily crafting task giver has some tasks for everyone, but on some days will only have tasks that can be completed by craftsmen. (Check out the Hua'Mein Faction Furniture here.
Quel'Ule: This area caters to the scholars, and includes the scholar faction recipes. There are some lovely bottles and other faction items here, but, again, the daily crafting tasks will include some that can be completed by any class, and some that can only be completed by scholars. (Check out the Quel'Ule Faction Furniture here.
Specific Class Information
The tons and tons of information to go in this section means that a separate article (or several articles, such as for carpenters!) will be needed to explain specifics. For now, however, let me whet your appetite a bit ...
- The art department outdid themselves. Just wait until you see all these lovely house items! {squeee}!
- Tinkered personal harvest depot and a peachy keen hoverpad mount?!
- Crafted evac totems and group invis totems?!
- Faction recipes for tailors and armorers for sets of armor specifically for use in the new Battlegrounds!
- PORTraits and such (a Kaisha term) that can port you to Rivervale, Jarsath Wastes, Steamfont Mountains and Stonebrunt Moutains?!
- And much, much more! Stay tuned!
Further details will be incoming, but I wanted to be sure folks had some eye candy for the weekend. Grab those drool buckets, you're going to need them before we're through! Links will become clickable as the pages are coded.
Tons and tons of nummy food and drink await you, in a dazzling array of gourmet variety. Four mob-dropped meats take a slightly, um, meatier, role in the tier, providing you with the components for power and/or health food and drinks (non-stat), as well as providing the basis for the faction recipes for infusions and reductions. I'm hoping to get you a food/drink chart for the tier later in the week, once I can clear my plate a bit more.
On top of the expected wooden weapons, ammo and suchlike for the tier, woodworkers have a few other lovely things in store. A compact harvesting kit, which is an all-in-one tool for all harvesting skills with a 2.5 harvesting speed reduction on it. (That is the max speed reduction, so this kit mostly clears up several inventory slots for you.) Special faction arrows can be made from a raid drop (void warped wood), when there is the need for over-the-top arrow frenzy. Last, but definitely not least, seven totems await you:
- out-of-combat power regen (bamboo, level 80+)
- out-of-combat health regen (fearstalker, level 80+)
- 55% runspeed (sabertooth, level 45+)
- group invisibility (void, level 30+, small power cost for the effect)
- solo evac (escape, level 30+, 1-hour cooldown)
- waterbreathing, fish vision, underwater jump (enduring spirit, level 30+)
- invis with 15% movement speed (great chameleon, level 30+)
A new tier of armor awaits you, as well as some slight tweaking to armor stats to make them more appealing based on the stat changes mentioned above. In addition, you will have one batch of faction recipes from Mara for level 80 battleground gear, and one batch of faction recipes from Kerra isle for level 90 battleground gear. More details as time permits.
Take what I just said for Armorers and apply all of it to tailors as well. In addition to that, tailors have a faction recipe from Kerra Isle for a new one-piece casualwear set of mastercrafted appearance clothing, in 14 different colors.
You've got a rather large array of weapons in normal, blessed and imbued versions, and the expected new tier of ammo. In addition, you can pick up a faction recipe for 3 new temporary weapon adornments.
Check out the SF Outfitters summary page for more details, and for screenshots of the new tailored casual wear! Oh, you want more eye-candy? How about: handcrafted, mastercrafted and the battleground sets
The biggest thing to note is that there are no loams in tier 9. Alchemists will use kaborite clusters to make fighter Experts, jewelers will use ulteran diamonds to make scout Experts. (This change was announced at the Fan Faire and discussed in the SOE forums several times since then.) There is ZERO loam change to earlier tiers, this is only a Tier 9 change.
Another tier of potions, poisons and fighter CAs are in store for you, of course, but there are a few other little bits to look into as well. As mentioned above, there are no loams in this tier, and you will be using the rare soft metal (kaborite cluster) for the crafting of Expert spells. There will be a new Alchemist quest to bulk-convert byproduct dusts into the next tier of dust, 10 at a time (this is a followup to the existing quest to create one dust at a time). There will also be a faction recipe book for 3 mastercrafted potions, using the tier's byproduct dust as a primary. More details will follow in a separate article as time permits.
You'll see pretty much what you would expect from another tier of jewelry and scout CAs, taking into account the above-mentioned change to using the teir's rare gem (ulteran diamond) for the creation of scout Experts. In addition, there will be a faction recipe book for nine mastercrafted jewelry items that can be equipped at level 89. More details as time permits.
Spells, spells, and more spells! Plus a faction recipe book that contains: three notebook recipes (including one that is an open book model), and two of the short-duration adorn/buff scrolls.
Scholar details can be found here (linked fixed from the oops of earlier in the week - why did nobody tell me I had linked in the wrong article? :P)
In addition to vendor sold recipes for skillup progression from 400 to 450 tinkering, there will be a few rare recipes that are mob drops. Please also note that you will now be able to be a Tinker as well as an Adorner on the same character. I'll flesh this section out with more coherent details after sleeeep.
Common Tinkered recipes
- Tinkered sparklomatic firework
- typhoonamatic generator - limited dumbfire storm elemental pet, level 81 adventurer
- noxious environmental shield (secondary, convert 3% noxious damage into power)
- scholar's cranial capacitor (head slot, +5 all scholar skills, level 50 crafter)
- elemental environmental shield (secondary convert 3% elemental damage into power)
- outfitter's cranial capacitor (head slot, +5 all outfitter skills, level 50 crafter)
- arcane environmental shield
- craftsman's cranial capacitor (head slot, +5 all craftsman skills, level 50 crafter)
- defilibrating heart stoppper - 99% FD, 913 heal
- tinkered vision enhancer, several vision things which slip my mind, and a shapeshift (below)
- portable chemistry set v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable desk v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable forge v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable cooking set v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable sewing table v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable woodworking kit v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- portable workbench v2.0 - 15 minutes per charge
- The B.F.C. 3000 (big flying cephalopod) limited dumbfire octopus pet, level 81 adventurer
Rare Tinkering Blueprints
- wormhole generator: moors of ykesha - 3 brellium ore needed
- Hotwired gnomish hoverpad - 3 brellium ore needed, 68% speed mount
- wormhole generator: odus - 3 brellium ore needed
- Tinkered personal harvest depot - 5 brellium ore needed
personal harvest depot
 | Tinkered Vision Enhancer
 | hotwired gnomish hoverpad
Odds and Ends
Achievements - a few crafting achievements are being added. I suspect a few more may be incoming for the other faction questlines in the expansion. I've now made a Tradeskill Achievements page.
The Food, it is Taunting Me!. Please administer emergency chocolate and pie dosages immediately. Mum is ready to gnaw someone's leg off after making this teaser page
Warm Fuzzies
I'd love to thank the entire EQ2 team. Frequently we talk about "the devs", and more specifically the (well-deserved) Domino love. However, a huge shout out has to go out to everyone involved in getting this out the door, including developers (coders, designers, etc., etc), artists (omg, you folks SO outdid yourselves on this one), QA, the community team, PR folks, and allll the folks who work with and support them.
There are some thank-yous that should go out to the player community as well:
The folks from Test - from the start, folks like Cloudrat and Chikkin were at the forefront in beta, posting walkthroughs & spoilers to aid testers in the beta forum, answering (and re-re-re-re-re-re-answering) the same questions a gazillion times in the /beta channel and much, much more, to help organize the early testing and keep us all on track. For opening up the Heroes of Test guild to all and sundry, so that all beta testers who needed access to guild amenities had them. And then, the boggling task of moving a T3 guildhall from Gorowyn to Qeynos (complete with all the required redecorating, etc.), just so that Kaisha had access to a hall with light backgrounds for her screen captures for the site.
Kaisha - for so many things in so many ways. I know you didn't get to experience a lot of content in beta due to all the work involved in getting images for the site, and you truly are a sanity-saver. I'm going to reserve a padded room beside mine for you!
Master List of Updates & Changes
(any times listed are in the Pacific timezone)
- Feb 5: Clearinghouse and Press Tour released
- Feb 5: Added in the Things to Note in Advance section above
- Feb 5, 12:45 PM: Added in the Crafting Related Highlights Section
- Feb 5, 1:15 PM: Added a Warm Fuzzies section
- Feb 5, 3:40 PM: Added links for the first 3 (of 6!) carpenter furniture image pages
- Feb 5, 4:35 PM: Added links for 2 more of the carpenter furniture image pages
- Feb 5, 5:40 PM: Added link to final carpenter furniture image page, added one of the panda illusion images
- Feb 7, 2:20 PM: Added information about Far Seas changes/additions to the faction section.
- Feb 7, 2:47 PM: Fixed the link for one of the carpenter furniture sets that's been askew since I added it Friday. Oops!
- Feb 8, 11:40 AM: Added class-specific highlights for all classes
- Feb 8, 12:54 PM: Added Paineel faction information and Paineel faction furniture link to the faction section, and a link to notebook images in the scholar/sage section
- Feb 8, 1:25 PM: Win a free SF expansion key! For further details, and to enter, check out this thread over on our forums!
- Feb 8, 3:27 PM: Added Kerra Isle faction link to the faction section (hua'mein and quel'ule faction images will be next on the to-do list)
- Feb 9, 10:15 AM: While the expansion key contest entries stream in on our forums, the content continues to stream in here as well, though at a slightly saner pace! Faction information has been rounded out with images & details from the Hua'Mein and Quel'Ule faction.
- Feb 9, 11:22 AM: Mum is now official hungry, and wants lunch NOW after coding this teaser page. Regular content coding will resume after I raid the grocery store!
- Feb 9, 4:50 PM: created an Odds & Ends category, moved the hunger-inducing teaser pages to that section, added in a crafting achievements page
- Feb 9, 6:30 PM: Added a Transmuting/Adorning overview link to the bottom of the Transmuting vs Adorning section above
- Feb 10, 12:43 PM: Changed the Transmuting/Adorning overview regarding adorning material conversions, based on today's beta patch.
- Feb 11, 6:14 PM: Added an Outfitters page to the class section above, including images of the tailored casual wear. Expansion key giveaway entry deadline has passed, and results are currently being tabulated
- Feb 12, 11:30 AM: Winners in the contest have been announced on our forums. Scholar page (which was apparently mis-linked all week without anyone saying something) has been updated with additional scholar details. In other news, the hubbyogre just gained much positive spouse faction as some lovely Valentine flowers just arrived! {coos and toddles off to put them in water}
- Feb 12, 5:15 PM: Available size comparison images for all T9 common carpenter furniture were put up
- Feb 12, 9:09PM: Available size comparison images for all T9 rare carpenter furniture were put up. Quick lists of new adornment names and which what ones start in which tiers can be found here.
- Feb 12, 9:20PM: Size comparison images were added to the new dividers gallery as well as the carpenter faction furniture gallery
- Feb 15, 11:58 AM: Yep, Kaisha and I are still at it. I've a lot of stuff to churn through today, but have run low on oomph. I dropped some crafted gear pics into the Outfitter section to tide you over until I can actually finish one of several in-progress articles on quests, tinkering, etc., etc.
- Feb 16, 1:04 AM: The servers are down for the patch. I finally got the first couple dozen quests of the SF crafting quest series documented, and you can find more information here. Check the front page of the site, or the forums, in about 5 minutes, for some additional pointers on the next several hours of patching, both from SOE and from Mum. Then Mum is getting some badly needed sleeeeeeeep. I hereby give fair warning that not only will my guildchat be turned off for the first day of the expansion, but that any of you who know my play names will meet the VERY grumpy side of me if you feel the need to pester me with tells on expansion day ... k?
- Feb 16, 1:40 AM: Added rough details on tinkered items above. Must ... Sleep {thudd}
- Feb 16, 5:40 PM: Crafting quest writeups have had several updates. Crafting Achievements page has also had several updates
- Feb 20: Rare tinkering blueprints are not dropping at this time, but will be fixed in an upcoming hotfix. Please visit our forums with additional questions, updates, etc that you have, as, once the dust settles, I will be dropping the information contained here into the proper permanent spots on the site.
Created: 2010-02-01 01:15:50
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother
Last Modified on: 2010-02-20 11:23:15
© 2003-21 Niami Denmother. The fine print. This is a research and information site. All of the information on this site has been gathered and submitted by the players and Niami Denmother. While we try our best to keep the information here as accurate and up to date as possible, rely upon it at your own risk. By submitting information and graphics to this site, you are granting us permission to use the materials in any way that we deem appropriate. EverQuest is a registered trademark of Darkpaw Games LLC. Except as is disclosed on the "about" page, this site has no official connection with EverQuest or Darkpaw Games LLC. All information, articles and graphics on this site are the copyright of EQ Traders Corner, its owners and/or Darkpaw Games LLC and may not be copied or reprinted without the express written approval of the copyright holder. This site is not meant to represent official EverQuest (Darkpaw Games) policy, and we are not responsible for errors and/or omissions that occur due to changes in EverQuest trade skills or information that we recieved from the community that is in error. Hosted By: